Chapter 35: Illness

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November this year was terrible. It was raining non-stop over and over again. The only thing is that at the beginning of the month it was still bearable, but after the first weekend, waves of storms and heavy rains hit Tokyo.

Unfortunately, in such unpleasant conditions, Seiji had to go to work.

It was another morning... The programmer opened his eyes, he felt extremely tired from overworking in his job. Thinking that today was another day when he had to fight through walls of rain to reach his work building and then work till the late hours, made him not want to get up from bed at all. But he had to... It was his duty...

Seiji rose from the bed without enthusiasm, immediately feeling a wave of dizziness as he did so.

'Damn... I can't get sick... I have to go to work...' he said in his head and then tried to shake off his sudden immersion.

After a while, he exited the room and headed to the bathroom. Confronting his reflection in the mirror, he realized the grim state he was in - cheeks flushed from heat, eyes fatigued, and hair in disarray. . .
He quickly washed his face with cold water, hoping it would help him get back on his feet.

Then, he tidied his hair and switched into his work clothes before attempting to grab some breakfast in the kitchen, hoping to gather enough energy for the day ahead.

Hideaki watched his sluggish movements from his couch. 'I wonder what's happening to him...' the killer thought.

As he ate (with hard effort) breakfast, Seiji got up from the table and started walking towards the exit of his flat. His movements were slow. He looked exhausted, yet he continued to trudge towards the main door.

In the genkan, he started slowly donning his shoes, taking deliberate pauses. The dizziness returned, making him rise cautiously from the floor. As he prepared to open the door, a sudden sensation of falling backward engulfed him.

The programmer fell to the floor with a bang...


Seiji opened his eyes, finding Hideaki's wide-eyed gaze in front of him. He felt that he was lying on something soft. As he shifted his gaze away from the murderer, he recognized his own room.

The man tried to get up, but the moment he rose up, he began to feel dizzy again. He lay back on the bed, closing his eyes and breathing deeply 'I... I can't get sick... I have to go to work...'

Suddenly, he felt a weight pressing against his forehead. With the pressure, strands with a brush-like texture dangled from a higher point. Firm to the touch, they delicately tickled his face with their tip ends.

After a while the thing moved away from his forehead. Suddenly the bed felt lighter.

Opening his eyes, Seiji found Hideaki absent from the room.

The man sighed from the cumulated feeling of the bad start of the day and tried to get out of bed again. He felt like he was boiling inside. He had a fever. With again, closed eyes from tiredness, he tried to battle it.

Soon, Hideaki reentered Seiji's room, holding something white and damp in his hands.

Seiji suddenly felt a cool sensation on his forehead - a soft piece of material. It turned out to be a white towel, bringing immediate relief to the programmer's overheated forehead.

He took deep breaths, not heavy but rather sighs of relief.

'It's so good... This is what I needed... Who gave it to me...' he wondered and then looked around the room.

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