27. Bait

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"You look like a dilapidated penguin."

Bel flips his boyfriend the bird. "It's the same uniform."

"Not quite," Kam is smirking. "Are the vest and cummerbund really necessary?"

"For a VIP event?" Bel puts on his jacket, clenching his teeth against the slight pull of the stitches in his shoulder. "Apparently, yes."

He checks himself in the mirror. Maybe 'dilapidated penguin' is an accurate description. His face is a little paler than he'd like it to be and he seems to have shrunk just the tiniest bit. He needed a belt for his slacks this time, and the vest hangs off his shoulders in a way it didn't before. But that was fine, because he wasn't going to be exerting himself, just pouring drinks behind the bar. Simple.

"You can take my car to the restaurant tonight," Kam says, and Bel's head snaps around to look at him.

"I'm allowed to drive your car now?"

"Why not?" Kam shrugs. "You're my boyfriend, and I trust you. I'll drive your car to the dealership and meet you there after."

Bel's car had still been parked in the driveway when he and Kam came home, with the window blown out from the night that they'd been attacked. Bel had taped cardboard over the window and hadn't bothered to get it fixed yet. Granted, they'd only been back a day, but still.

"How will you get to the restaurant from your dealership?" Bel isn't entirely sure if it's dumb question, but he asks anyway.

"I do know how BTS works," Kam ruffles Bel's hair. "There's a station just down the street from the restaurant, too, in case you forgot."

"Do you really have to mess up my hair?" Bel twitches out of his grasp. "I just got it to stay flat."

"My boyfriend looks adorable with bed head." Kam reaches for Bel a second time. "Especially when those blue streaks stand on end."

"Bed head is not allowed at VIP events, jackass." Bel smacks his hand. "And it's turquoise, not blue."

"It's still adorable," Kam plants a kiss on the top of Bel's head instead. "You go, I'll see you later."

"Are you going to ask Gulf about the car he wants you to flip?" Bel takes a last glance in the mirror and pulls a few stubborn strands of hair back into place.

"Stop playing with your hair," Kam hands him the keys. "If he brings it up, we'll talk about it. Hurry up, you'll be late."

Silo drove back to Bangkok a day later than Bel and Kam, and with two passengers, rather than one. When Kit said that he wanted to drive back to Bangkok with Silo, he'd completely forgotten that Nina was still in the house, and needed a ride, too.

"Are you really going to take a three month vacation?" Nina asks as they pull off the Expressway and back into Bangkok.

"I have the time to take, so I might as well," Silo shrugs."Provided Talay can deliver."

"He called you?" Kit asks from the backseat, sounding only a little surprised. "He's got the facial recognition done already?"

"It came through last night," Silo confirms. "Apparently, my promise to take time off did the trick."

Kit's eyebrows shoot up. "Yeah, I'm sure that's what it was. Do we show it to your people first or to Nina's? Or does that depend on who it is?"

"What do you think?" Silo parks the car, and glances at Nina. "Talay's waiting for us down the street. Same place he met us before."

"You go," Kit says. "I'll wait in the car."

Nina gives him an odd look, but gets out and follows Silo down the street.

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