Nina's eyebrows rise. "Is that all it is?"

Kam hesitates. "He was really worried about you, you know."

"I was really worried about him," Nina smiles. "But I shouldn't have been, because he has you, and he always will, right?"

"I told you," Kam returns her smile. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Except upstairs to take care of my brother, right?"

"Does that mean you're coming too?"

Bel is sitting up when Kam and Nina go back into his room. Em is sitting on the bed next to him, removing a thermometer from Bel's mouth, which is why Bel looks and sounds sulky.

"You said my fever broke."

"Don't be a baby," Em checks the numbers on the thermometer. "I said your temperature was down, that's completely different. It's still a little high, so you shouldn't get out of bed yet."

"I'll make sure he doesn't," Kam says, ignoring Bel's squall of protest.

"I slept for three days! That's long enough."

"You didn't sleep," Nina corrects him. "You were unconscious, and you had all of us worried sick."

"Well, that's—almost the same thing!" Bel swings his legs over the side of the bed. "I have a job to get back to—"

"You've been out of it for almost a week," Nina says. "So you should do what Em says."

"But," Bel tries to play his last card. "What if that bastard comes and attacks us again?"

"He won't." Nina isn't falling for it. "Don't snort at me, I know he won't because he doesn't know where we are; and even if he did, Silo will take very good care of me, and Kam will take very good care of you—"

"Because you bribed him to?" Bel is still sulking.

"She didn't bribe me." Kam is looking down at the patterns on the carpet. "I mean, it was a good chunk of money, but it wasn't a bribe. All you had to say was that he was Wolf's son."

Bel snorts. "Oh, thanks."

"You know what I mean." Kam ruffles Bel's hair before turning back to Nina. "You being his daughter helped, I suppose."

"But not as much as Bel being his son." Em can't help adding.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Bel squalls before Kam can say anything. "Em, what the hell's so funny?"

"Hmm?" Em bites her lips to try and stop her sniggers but it doesn't work very well. "I've seen you blush before, but I didn't know Kam could."

Bel twitches. "It's hot in here."

Em rolls her eyes."It's forty-three degrees outside, but the AC is on inside, so that can't be it."

Nina's eyes become serious as she looks at Kam. "You don't need my permission to love my brother, Kam. I just need to know you'll take care of him. You will, right?"

Kam hasn't let go of Bel's hand. "What do you think?"

But he looks annoyed.

"What's up?" Bel asks him.

"Why do you do that?"

Nina and Bel look at him with twin expressions of confusion. "Do what?"

It doesn't help Kam's mood that they ask at the same time, but Nina asks in English and Bel asks in Thai.

"Change from Thai to English mid-sentence like that. It happens every time you two talk to each other."

"Nina and I have been doing it since we were kids." Bel explains. "It started as a game, but now it's more of a habit. It's fun."

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