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Song I listen the most to today:

Lumi Athena & cade clair - let me see ya move! (Speed up)

How I felt today: excited, nervous

What happened today:

JAW started today.

They picked us up with busses and 2 vans, I was one of the lucky ones who ended up in a van (it didn't took long until we renamed the van "kidnapper Van)

I ended up in the art class for today and tomorrow (I don't know what will come the other days)

Sadly, I only was in good terms with one of the girls I was in a group with.

We started painting stars and tomorrow we do free work (means we can do what we want)

On my way home with the (norma) bus my male friend fell asleep and missed his stop, so my mom offered him to drive him home.
(This dude sleeps so much like wtf)

Back at home I packed a bit for tomorrow and that's it.

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