19|First Love-Yoomin

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"Who is that guy?" Jimin asked the girl standing next to him, pointing at the mint-haired and attractive boy wearing a black jacket, sitting nonchalantly at one of the corner tables of the cafeteria, eyes fixed on the screen of his phone. Tucked away from the prying eyes of everyone but Jimin, who after months of just being a silent admirer from afar, finally mustered the courage to ask something about him.

"He's Yoongi. Better steer clear from him. He is not the lover type. He can be quite cold at times, and even without saying a single word he can leave a deep gash on your heart." The girl warned him as she left the café, her boyfriend having come to pick her.

'Well, whatever she said, I am just gonna go try to talk to him.' Jimin thought as he plopped down onto the chair opposite that of Yoongi. Yoongi, for one, didn't notice the younger's presence until he started tapping his fingers on the table, playing a haphazard tune randomly, trying to get the elder's attention.

"Hullo, I didn't ask you to sit down here." Yoongi's tone was deadpan and eyes gleaming.

"But no one's sitting here." Jimin shrugged as he established eye contact with the elder. The elder held his gaze for a few seconds before he finally exhaled through his mouth.

"Fine, what do you want?" He ran a hand through his mint hair, observing the younger's face as he felt his own facial expressions soften. He felt rather comfortable with this orange-haired, plump-lipped guy then he could ever feel at ease with a stranger, ever.

"Your phone number, princess." Jimin mouthed, tongue wetting his lips making the plump pair glisten in the late evening sunlight streaming in through the blinds.

Yoongi didn't want to admit it, but Jimin's confidence actually won him over. He, however managed to keep a straight face as he scowled a bit, in an attempt to throw him off.

"And what makes you think I'll give it to you?"

"Oh please, princess. Just...give it to me." Jimin's face contorted a bit, but he stuck to his demeanor.

"No, I won't." Yoongi said, returning to his phone.

A few minutes had passed and Jimin hadn't gone away yet. His ego was way too inflated to do so hence he persisted, but the elder didn't know about that, obviously. Instead, Yoongi bit his lip thinking of this man's balls (pun intended in the most innocent way possible) and put his phone face down on the table.

"Whoever you are, I admire your boldness." Yoongi spoke up.

"Yeah, thanks. Now give me your phone number." Jimin leaned forward and began tapping his fingers on the surface of the table impatiently.

To say Yoongi was enjoying the series of events would be an understatement. He was loving it, and he craved more of it. At the same time, he felt very tempted to know what all the younger had, to offer to him.

"If I ask you to come with me to the park outside, how would you like it?" Yoongi played his next move, without bothering to answer the man's repeated requests asking for his phone number.

Night was beginning to fall, with the earliest traces of starlight filtering in through the cafeteria window blinds. Jimin sighed as he looked outside the window, in the direction of the park.

"I would like it." He said in a small pretense of nonchalance, letting his eyes meet the elder's brown ones. "But only if you give me your phone number will I come with you."

This obstinacy on the younger's part piqued Yoongi's interest, only serving to endear Jimin to him even more. "I will."


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