you genius

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"you look so beautiful today miss kim." taehyung whispers under his breath, his chocolate eyes growing hazy, tear-filled, as his flu worsens and the influence of the medication he has taken throughout the day starts taking effect.

"i'm sorry mr kim, what did you say? " jisoo strains to hear him over the blaring cacophony of surrounding traffic as the traffic light is a glowing red beacon in the busy hubbub of the square, a water supply truck driver who seems to love profanities is right behind them, yelling at an opulent bmw to shift lanes and an unfortunately deafening baby, screaming at its mother in the car next to theirs. jisoo exchanges a smile with the clearly apologetic parent, then turns back to check taehyung's alarmingly increasing temperature.

"you look so pretty but why are you repeating outfits?", the inebriated guy says, louder this time.

jisoo glances downwards, her pale pink cashmere shirt and black skirt paint a stark contrast to one another. her mind races, trying to reckon when was the last time she wore it.

"it's just that, whenever you appear in my dreams, you're always wearing a different ensemble. you already wore this last night, so why today too? but it does make sense because i love that outfit. i love watching you do anything in that. actually i think i just love watching you. " taehyung appears to implore her as he rambles on semi- consciously, his eyes slowly closing and rough, deepened voice gradually lowering. but this time jisoo hears it all.

just as the lights turn green, her cheeks turn a fierce scarlet.

taehyung weighs what jisoo imagines a hundred tonnes feels like when lifted.

the doorman quickly ushers her in, she is one of the few people allowed into taehyung's penthouse, his sanctuary. the man himself is barely conscious, wobbly on his feet and incredibly heavy. the warmth is his body is quickly seeping into her own through the layers of clothing between them as the numbers to the successive floors increase on the blinking display in the lift.

the blush colouring her cheeks has lessened in its potency, but jisoo's face still feels warm as she pulls him with the support of the guy's arm around her shoulder, his breath feels hot against the nape of her neck where his angular face is buried and almost nuzzling against the soft skin of throat. she can't help the pink that once again spreads across her face.

"4-8-1-6", she enters the pin to taehyung's apartment, muttering to herself the numbers and kicking off her prada kitten heels, taehyung's feet dragging along behind her. supporting the man by holding onto his chiseled sides, she lowers him onto the bed.

"miss kim do you know something funny? " taehyung buries his head into the pillow and starts talking yet again. jisoo begins yanking on his feet, taking off his brown louis vuittons and helping him settle comfortably into his mattress as she pulls at the grey silk comforter folded at the foot of the bed.

"i think deep down, you were always going to be the one i would fall for, even though my brain didn't know it yet" jisoo frowns and blushes harder at his words, an insistent voice in her head forcing her to treat his confessions with as little value as a pinch of sand. she rummages through the assortment of towels in his closet after tucking taehyung in, carefully wetting one and bringing out a tumbler of lukewarm water to keep on his bedside table while the female folds it to simmer down the heat of his forehead by pressing it on the expanse of skin above his brow.

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