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It may have been kind of bad, but not as much as she expected it to be. It was tame compared to what she thought of... During the day Stiles was texting her. Some were selfies and some were just updates on how he felt. The potion made him... very bold to say the least. Very Horny, really. Apparently, he liked her since he laid his eyes on her. Leia was worried that there were more side effects Luibh didn't tell her so at lunch she went to the bathroom and took her out to talk with her. The potion also made him have the inability to lie for the first half. Which should take another 9 whole hours.

The day zoomed past, and now Leia was strutting her way to business class. Stiles waiting for her and he grabbed her and pulled her to an empty room. "Gosh, I've missed you," he says hugging her against the wall. "Stiles what are we doing in here?" Leia squeaks, completely thrown off by the suddenness and neediness from him. His hands rested on her hips, his fingers dipping just in the hem of her pants. He was more handsy than usual... Just a bit more needy. They moved slowly, sensually moving to the back, fighting the urge to cup her ass. "This potion is killing me. Is there anything to help?" His pupils were dilated; You could barely see the brown of his eyes. And his scent screamed arousal; She was sure any heightened-sensed creature could smell him for miles. She knew it was bad but not this bad, he was practically begging for her to help. Or maybe just for her...

Luibh tells her to kiss him while giggling from her pouch. "It will help the side effect... Your DNA in your saliva will begin to fight off the Potion effects." 

Stiles then pleadingly looks at her with needy eyes. "Give me your lips... Now," he demands, his voice husky with need. Leia gulps, no one has ever been that dominant...She clenches her thighs, so much that he feels as if his hands were resting on her hips. He groans, whimpers, and throws his head back. She could see the veins in his neck from how hard he was trying to control himself.

"Luibh, go watch some documentaries, hon," Leia says softly, not taking her eyes off Stiles'. Luibh salutes and crawls back into her pouch while putting small earbuds into her ears. She knew the drill. 

"Are you sure you want to kiss me? I'm okay with it- but you need to know that It might make it worse. My venom-" Leia rambles, panicking, completely breaking the character of her usual confidence. Stiles cuts her off with a hard kiss on her lips. She kisses back making a noise of surprise as he had cut her off. All he needed was her permission and her saying she was okay with it was good enough for his current fractured mind. 

This kiss gradually became slower, less needy, and more just enjoying each other's lips. Her hands rested on his shoulders, holding the back of his head so he couldn't get away. He didn't mind, not wanting to leave. She could taste the peppermint on his tongue and he could taste the gum she had in her mouth. When he pulled back though he smirked at her with wet lips as he had taken her gum with her. She smacks his shoulder lightly and he laughs as he pulls her out of the room. "I just put that gum in my mouth, asshole. I was planning on chewing it!" They enter business class, and people stare at them because they are still laughing. "Yeah? Do you want it back? Come get it." He holds the gum with his lips, pushing it out with his tongue. Now Stiles was more tame but he still had the boldness from before. Maybe that was just because of the kiss but she liked this version of him; He seemed like he knew what he wanted and that was so attractive. 

They both sit down and Leia crosses her arms acting like she is upset. "Oh, don't be so sour! You can have it back- You just got to kiss me again." He winks at her, and he licks his lips, tasting the leftover taste of her on his lips. Scott chokes on his spit and turns to look at his best friend. "What?" He questions shocked. 

Leia pushes the memory of the brief heated kiss out of her head. She waves him off and digs into her pocket for another piece of gum. "Oh, you're no fun," Stiles whines banging the table with his fingers. She makes a kissy face at him and he pouts harder.

A little magic | Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now