Chapter 280

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Chapter 280 - Extra - XingXing's Tidbits (3)

Jiang XingChen had attended international schools since he was a child and over half of the students would not be taking the national college entrance examination. As such, he became the minority in the junior year after the classes were resorted for one last time.

His buddy's mother remarried once again and, this time, his stepfather was only 5 years older than him. He felt very offended and, as a gesture of rebellion, decided against studying aboard and to take the national college entrance examination instead.

The syllabus for those planning on going overseas did not prepare those well for the national college entrance examination. His buddy study so much that he almost fell into depression and finally barely got above the requirements of the second-tier colleges. He felt that he did well and fuzzed about attending it. His mother got a headache from his fuzzing and finally forced him onto a plane personally and sent him overseas.

Jiang XingChen did not go and see his buddy off on the day that he went overseas as his parents reserved a hotel to celebrate him getting to the top university...

Going overseas did not hinder his relationship with his buddy neither did the time difference between the two countries. They kept in touch with each other through texts.

His buddy, who didn't even want to go overseas at first changed his mind after just one month and told him that it was fun to be overseas and asked him to go and join him. Jiang XingChen compared the gap between their national college entrance examination's scores and decided what his buddy found fun was probably not for him. As such, he turned down his buddy decisively.

His buddy found himself a girlfriend overseas and urged him to find himself one as well. Jiang ChenXi was reluctant. He felt that a girlfriend was a hassle and would greatly affect the quality of his study. His buddy laughed when he heard that and said he'd get him a girlfriend that he didn't need to woo.

A week later, Jiang XingChen received an international package. It was very long. When he opened it up, it was a 1:1 ratio silicone doll.

Jiang XingChen's roommate was there at the time and he felt that he would never forget the way his roommate looked at him for the rest of his life.

To repay his buddy for the gift, Jiang XingChen blocked all of their means of communication and registered him for VIP status at a matchmaking website using his cellphone number.

With Jiang XingChen's skill in programming, getting his buddy's verification code couldn't have been easier.


Life at college was more fun than he had expected. Jiang XingChen was able to pick up a lot of knowledge that he did not have previously. Four years seemed to have flown by in the blink of an eye and he became a postgraduate student after that.

That was a great thing but his mother wasn't too happy. She grumbled to him why he didn't have a girlfriend when she visited him over the holidays.

Jiang XingChen felt that his mother was odd. She was the one who didn't want him to date and now she was the one who wanted him to have a girlfriend. He found that a bit tricky.

Being nagged to date was detrimental to his study. To get it over with once and for all, he decided to satisfy his mother's ask. He located one of the two girls who fought over him in high school and she agreed without him having to prompt too much.

He had also found out that the two of them attended the same university. That saved Jiang XingChen even more time. The two decided to meet at the second cafeteria and both would bring with them an advanced mathematics textbook so they could recognize each other.

Jiang XingChen was the first of the two to arrive. He looked around the entire place before he found a spot to sit and placed the textbook where it could be easily spotted.

He waited from noon to 2 and the girl final showed up when everybody else in the cafeteria were gone.

The girl had a pony tail and had on a light green dress. When the wind blew, the hem of the skirt fluttered a little. She walked in front of him and put down the advanced mathematics textbook that she had been carrying with her. Her cheeks were slightly pink and she had dimples on both sides of her cheeks when she smiled. This time she did not let her teeth showed. When she bent down to put down the advanced mathematics textbook, her necklace dangled and the diamond butterfly sparkled.

Stroking her necklace, she stood back up, reached out her little hand and held it in front of Jiang XingChen. "Hi, boyfriend, long time no see."
Thank you for reading this story until the end. You can check the Author's other works here 

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