Chapter 264

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Chapter 264 - "Should we have another child?" (1)

As he was tied up by something, it was already past 10 PM when Jiang MingYuan arrived home.

A light in the living room was left on, probably left it on for him on purpose. There was a class of water on the coffee table in the living room. It was still lukewarm.

Jiang MingYuan removed his suit and downed the glass of water. He turned and walked inside of the elevator and went to take a shower in his bathroom upstairs.

When he came back down, he brought with him a few extra sets of change of clothes.

With his clothes draping over his arm, he first went over to check on XingXing next door. The little boy was sprawled out and sound asleep. Jiang MingYuan took only a look at him before he walked back out. He knocked on the master bedroom door when he was standing in front of it.

It wasn't difficult for Cheng Huan to figure out who it was that was knocking on her door at this hour. She sat up, hesitated for two seconds, but finally went and opened up the door.

As soon as the door was opened, Cheng Huan was pulled into someone's arms. The man, with one hand on her chin, kissed her for a long, long time. When he finally let her go and licked away the shiny fluid from her lips, he asked her, "Waiting for me?"

"Have you no shame?" said Cheng Huan half-heartedly at best. Her brows twitched when she saw the clothes in his hands. She finally walked over to the closet and made some room for him. "You can put them here."

With a complacent smile on him, he walked over and set his clothes down properly. He looked around a little and, seeing that there was still additional room, pushed his luck and said, "I'll bring over some of my other clothes tomorrow."

Cheng Huan ignored him. She looked for a towel and tossed it over to him as she said to him resentfully, "You shouldn't be running around with your hair still wet."

Jiang MingYuan took the towel from her and dried his hair casually before he walked back over, put his arms around her once again, and kissed her.

Another crazy night.

After their evening workout, Jiang MingYuan carried Cheng Huan to shower and changed out the bedsheets. The two then laid in bed and chatted.

Cheng Huan was somewhat tired and randomly chitchatted with him. As they talked, she heard Jiang MingYuan asked about her parents.

"My parents?" Leaning up against his chest, her eyes closed, she tried to recall with her groggy brain and said unhappily, "There is not much to say about them."

Jiang MingYuan ran his fingers through her hair. Because of the technical issues with the hair drying boy yesterday, her hair seemed less shiny today than usual. "You are not close with them?"

"No." She had always been viewed as the extra one at home. She would be lying if she was to say that that didn't bother her at all. It was late at night, and right after their intense exercise, on top of it all, she was with the man whom she liked, Cheng Huan started complaining naturally. "They wanted to have a boy so they tossed me to grandpa ever since I was a child. I saw them a few times a year at most. They wouldn't even pay for my tuition nor did they come and visit Grandpa when he was ill."

Cheng Huan sighed. "With all the children that my grandfather has, none of them wanted to take care of him when he was old."

The hand inside her hair paused a little. Jiang MingYuan carried on, "Are you parents still around then?"

"Of course. They are alive and kicking." Cheng Huan blurted that out before her body stiffened all of a sudden. She looked up slowly and looked into the mans' thoughtful eyes.


"Don't panic." Jiang MingYuan lowered his head and gave her a kiss on her forehead. He chose his words carefully and said, "There is no rush."

Cheng Huan was alarmed. "What are you trying to get at?"

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