Chapter 5: Jaden

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I groaned and sat up feeling an itch on my neck, I looked around and everything was blury and bright. I was back in Jc's room sitting in a dog bed next to his huge bed. I yawned and the door clicked, two figures slowly walked in the room. I squinted my eyes a bit but it didn't help. "Hello?" I reached out to touch something and fell on my face, maybe I should stay sitting in my bed. The tall figure is who I guessed to be Jc and the other figure was short and I guessed it was Jaden. God I wanted to murder him for what he did, I growled and stood up wobbling around holding myself up with Jc's bed. "Take it easy Ashy you should move until the chip has settled in and you get your vision back" I couldn't tell who said it, the room spun around in my head and everything looked like the sun, bright and burning my eyes.

I wobbling around and fell on Jc, I wrapped my arms around his waist to keep from hitting the ground. "Chip?" He nodded. Wow. " I has beeen chipped!" Squirmed as Jc picked me up. "Put me down! I am Sir Lancelot and I deserve some respect!" I screamed. Jc stopped moving and held me like a puppy. "Your so cute, but no. You need to sit." He glared. I glared back "I'm dirty Dan!" Jc looked confused and jaden jumped up and down screaming "No im dirty dan!!" I released my self from Jc and tackled Jaden. We play fought for a while screaming at each other "NO IIIM DIRTY DAN!!" while Jc was laugh on the floor about to die.

Thats when Jaden punched the blur out of me, I jumped up and screamed " I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW THE RAIN IS GONE" Now Jaden and Jc were laughing. But why did I feel so hyper and happy? I didn't have a care in the world.

After our fun I calmed down a bit, Jaden and Jc left to clean the house while I stayed and watched Finding Nemo. The whole time I was just scratching at the fish, man I was hungry. I jumped at the door and creaked it open. The hallway was long and lit up with hanging red and orange chandeliers, I scurried across the hall and tip toed through one of the doors. I closed the door and almost let out a peep. Jaden was sleeping on shelf's of cleaning supplies , I guess he was really tired. I'd be in so much trouble if he caught me, I slowly grabbed the door knob and twisted it.


I flung back and jadens arms wrapped around my waist and chest. "J-Jaden I didn't mean to wake you up I was j-just looking for the-" He slowly moved his hand towards my member and grasped it tightly holding my arms behind my back, I bit my tounge to keep a moan from escaping but I failed and blushed. "I'm sorry I had to hurt you before but I promise I'll make you feel better" he whispered in my ear. I shivered as his hand slowly moved up and down rubbing my now hard member through my pants.

I moaned and turned my head away from the dirty sight. He moved his head towards me and pressed his lips against mine. I gasped for breath as his hand slipped through my pants and stroked my member slowly. "Mmm.." I whined. Jaden broke the kiss and threw me on the floor. I layed on the ground and He forced my ass into the air and pulled my hands behind my back again. I started crying and tryed to break free of his grip, he pulled down my pants swiftly and undid his with one hand dragging them to the floor. He rubbed his member against my hole teasing me. "J-Jaden please stop I'm not ga-" all of his member was quickly inside of me before I even knew it. I groaned and felt my body so numb. It hurt so much, the pain was indescribable. I cried and screamed "Jaden please stop your hurting me! I don't like this let me go!" He started pumping ignoring my pleads and doing as he wanted. His large member stretched my insides and stung like a bee. He still held my hands behind my back and used his other hand to rub the head of my member. I moaned and the pain started to become pleasure. He pumped faster and harder whenever I moaned. His hand covered in pre cum pumped my cock fast and it felt so good, too good.

"J-Jaden I'm gonna- I'm go- nna" he stopped moving and relief ran through my mind. I was breathing heavily and felt so good but hurt. "Please... Stop... I'll get in...trouble" I coughed. He began pumping again and not long after we came at the same time. I moaned and fell to the ground, Jaden yanked my tail and dragged me back to the room. He threw me on the bed and left without saying a word. I felt so tired I hated this place. I hate it so much. I wanted a family, some friends, and love...

*Oh nooes poor Ashyy gettinng raped by Jaden ;∆; lol sorry if you didn't see that cuming (pun intended) but I felt it needed to be added xD Anyways thanks to you guys for voting and DottstheDalmation for commenting!!
Lub you my waffles~*

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