Chapter 3- Luxury?

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Jc tugged on my collar as I trotted behind him glancing at every part of the house curiously. We reached the front door and one maid opened each door and greeted Jc as the rest of the maids and butlers rushed around cleaning and preparing the house. A tall butler had been speed walking into a room on the right side of the long hallway carrying a dog bed and some chew toys. My heart raced and I chased after the butler yanking the leash out of Jc's hand and tackling the suited man. I growled at him playfully and snatched a toy from him.

He chased me around the hall trying to get the toy back but I was too fast. I bumped into Jc while running and knocked him over, he looked surprised at first but then angry. I dropped the toy, "I- I um I di-" Jc's hand flew at my face and my head hit the solid ground hard. I groaned and stared up at Isaac who now had his hand gripped onto my ear. "Ow, Ow wait stop! That hurts!" I whimpered and cried, he dragged me to a medium size room with a small dog bed dressed in red cloth. The wall was painted crimson and chains dangled from the ceiling clashing together whenever wind blew from the open bared up window.

Jc threw me on the ground and I curled into a ball hissing at the pain. God, that hurt like a b****. "We have rules here, you will follow these rules no matter what. Rule one, walking on your hands and feet only. Rule two, no wandering off. Rule three, do as I say, am I clear?" He growled. I nodded and stood up, of course Jc was taller... "Whats the first rule?" He growled again. Oh yeah.. hands and feet only. My ears flattened and I got on my hands and feet only to be smaller than I was before. "Now stay" he demanded. I did what I was suppose to and sat down staying still and watched him leave the room.

My boredom overcame me and I wandered around the room curiously. I couldn't find anything to do so I attempted to climb the hanging chains. I finally climbed one and stayed up close against the ceiling. Four chains criss crossed each other so I layed on the chains and fell asleep, don't know why I did, I have a dog bed on the ground... even though i'm a neko. I guess I like heights.

*Jc's POV*

I left the room to run some errands around the house only to come back with an empty room. How did he escape? The only way out was through the door and I locked it before I left. I scanned the room still to find no sign of Ashure. I heard the clanging of chains and sighed, I looked up and there sat Ash sleeping. I smirked and yanked him down by his tail screaming at the top of my lungs. "Wake up kitty!!!" I yelled like a child. He didn't seem happy, in fact, he started crying, why was he crying? it was just a joke. I gulped and picked him up. "Shh! Ashy i'm sorry I didn't mean anything" I whispered in his ear hugging him. What? don't look at me like that! Hes 12 what do you expect me to do? I cradled him in my arms until he stopped crying.

Ashure fell asleep in my arms, hes so cute when hes sleeping. I felt bad for leaving him in this dark room so I carried him to my room, he slept in my bed while I went to work, I work as a lawyer. Maybe on my way home I will get Ash a present.

*Ashure's POV*

I yawned and stretched my legs, happy that I got some comfortable sleep. I rubbed my eyes and yawned, where was I? This wasn't the room I was in before, it was bigger with red and black stripped wallpaper, two windows, and a large king size bed. The bed was soft and fluffy with grey and white blankets and white pillows. Just a bit right from the door was a huge tv pressed against the wall over an entertainment center. I guessed it was Isaac's room and decieded to snoop around. I crawled out of bed and walked over to the door quickly grabbing the door knob. *Smack!* The door flung open and hit me in the face, I yelped just before backing away from the door angrily holding my poor hurt nose.

I growled and hissed at Jc who walked through the door grabbing me by my short purple hair and throwing me onto the bed. "J-Jc what are you-" he wrestled me on the bed until one of us won, (obviously him)he pinned my hands above my head with one hand and used the other to cover my mouth and stop me from screaming. "You only call me Master". He whispered in my ear before biting my neck. I gasped and tried desperatly to break free but it was no use, he was to strong. I squirmed underneath his grasp as he tortured me. I finally had enough and bit his hand. "Ouch, bad kitties need to be punished!" He banged my head against the bed post and I fell into darkness.

*heyy c: so I kept getting lazy and always forgot to finish this but here it is!! :D well, half, if you want the rest I need at least 4 votes c: also if you see ANY mistakes please let me know in the comments and I will fix itttt baiii*

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