Chapter 1- The beginning of the End

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I woke up to the bright light of the front office where Kuse would hide waiting to sell me or one of the other slaves. Most slaves in the backroom where Nekos but some humans were slaves too.
For me Slavery has always been terrible. Every master i've had always beat me until I threw up or passed out and sometimes almost killed me, I hate beatings or punishments but I hate obeying other people even more.

Kuse walked up to my cage and stuck two fingers through the bars flicking me in the nose. I yelped and overly reacted the flick, holding my my nose with my hands as if I got punched.

"Get ready for extra beatings Ashy, your new master is waiting outside for you" Kuse giggled in the girliest way ever.

"B-but Kuse I-I don't want a m-master" my face started swelling up with tears and my face stained rosy red.

"Too bad!" He shouted and forcfully pulled me out by my wrists. I pulled back but he was too strong when we reached the door he grabbed me by my left ear and yanked me into the bright room. Around the corner of the desk was a tall man in a black suit with a serious face on staring at Kuse angrily. Kuse pinched my ear harder and made me squeal, he threw my head on the counter near the cash register and held it down as he wrapped a tight collar around my neck making me cough a few times. Kuse finally let go and I slumped down to the ground holding my head trying to sooth it.

"Go see your master Ash" Kuse demanded.

"He is my pet so he listens to me only" the man said firmly
"In any case that is not how you treat a pet" he coughed and faced me from a distance. "Here kitty, kitty, comere Ashy" he said smiling with a slightly higher pitch then his normal voice. It was soothing and cheerful, I stood on my fours and crawled over to him stopping once or twice to make sure he wasn't try to trick me. When I finally reached him I sat down infront of him and glanced at his face curiously. He rubbed my stained cheeks and rubbed behind my ears making me purr.

He attached a leash to my collar and yanked me towards the door. My eyes flew wide open and I yanked the leash out of his hand running back towards Kuse. " No I don't wanna go with you!" I screamed, I triped over my tail and banged my head against the counter wall. The tall man sighed and held me in his arms carrying me out the door. I saw him wave at Kuse and Kuse waving back smirking. I hate Kuse.

~Authors note~
How was the first chaapteer?? C:
Did you love it as much as mee?? x3 I loved it I hope you do too.
Next time on Dragon Ball Z!
Jk lol plz comment c:

~*Neko Slave*~ (( DISCONTINUED ))Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora