Is Ignorance Bliss?

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The impending doom that the skepticism on the saying "ignorance is bliss" doesn't really seem to affect others as they emptily drag themselves to get through the day, carrying the grudge towards the awareness of the newer baggage that killing the curiosity had brought. Once I made myself aware of the fact that I daydream quite often, as it seemed like on a daily basis, I give myself a yellow card for daydreaming. When I was daydreaming from the backseat of the car regarding on an angst type of novel, setting up some sort of prologue - my brain reminded me that I was in my head yet again, and it instantly tranquilized the forming idea; disposing it at the back of my head (spoiler: the said notions were thrown over my short-term memory bin). Most of the times, I would regret the aftermath of the awareness as to what I'm doing. I definitely miss the bliss of freely getting taken away by the thoughts I suddenly have, I would go back on the day that I found out that I daydream a lot - and probably absorb it in a positive way so I don't feel like this now.

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