The meeting

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Y/n was smiling as she was drinking her new favorite, bubu tea. And she was with her Archer servant.

Who was just smiling and drinking with her master and had the fashion sense. As she enjoys posting and texting others all over social media.

Y/n: "What do you think Baobhan sith

Baobhan: "Of what master? about the losers and such nothing then."

Y/n: "Well they are not losers dear, they are sweethearts. To some degree even if one of them likes to see or try to see my chest 90% of the time."

Baobhan: "You do know master you can rip him a new one, why do you allow him to live?"

Y/n: "You are right dear I can do so, but at the same time dear. There are some rules we must follow, and this is one of them. But for the time being, when the highest star reaches the moon."

As Y/n throws away her drink to show a sign she might attack at any moment.

Y/n: "I will make sure it changes for them how does that make you feel dear?"

Baobhan: "Tots better but you going to keep one of them?"

Y/n laughs to herself a bit and starts to do a sick twisted laughter.

Y/n: "Maybe...Maybe not, I got to enjoy my meal is that wrong?"

Baobhan: "You do know it can screw you over in the long run right master?"

Y/n: "Yeah but I don't mind screwing someone."

As she says playful like with a bit of a flirting tone to it. Baobhan Sith doing a wink to her master.

Y/n: "But worry not dear, we can attack anytime we want got it."

She smiles and nods, and slowly but surely it seems Y/n is enjoying this little game of how she can enjoy. Life as it is, and might even want to see if she can become the villain of there story. She does not know she just knows.

She is enjoying the thrill of them playing like puppets in her web. Of sick and fun games.

Baobhan: "So master how are we going to make ourselves known?"

Y/n: "Easy dear, I love to play this sick game. But my goal overall is to find out if they can handle me or BB herself. I know the king of knights is here. He is the only person who can give me a run for my money."

Y/n: "If I was to fight him at our best, I think he can win...It would be close but I still think he would win against me."

As Y/n puts her hand on the table in that moment, the people. Who were in there shop, became liquefied and were, even bones were liquefied.

Y/n: "So let's enjoy this moment of our time. I will embrace, my darker side for the time being."

As Y/n she well embrace her darker self for the time being. To see, if people can even keep up. Why this that's for them to find out for the time being.

Baobhan: "Hey master if I want to be at my best I need more mana than normal."

Y/n: "Oh?"

Baobhan: "Yep I want to be strong enough for them to know I can beat there ass a bit."

Y/n: "You do know if you want mana we got a few ways to do so."

As Y/n says in a playful and seductive tone. Her servant smiling and blushing.

Baobhan: "Oh I know master, hey master take a selfie with me."

Y/n joins her in a photo, as Y/n winks at the camera with her drink in her mouth and Baobhan Sith smiles. At the camera. As they were done Baobhan posts it online.

Baobhan: "That was fun master we should do this another time."

Y/n: "Yeah but now the mess I made has to be clean up."

As Y/n smiles and the liquefied bodies were now gone. And it's as if nobody was even in the cafe.

A few hours later:

Rias and the gang got reports of someone or something. That people are missing, and they went to the last, place where they heard rumors about. People missing.

Rias: "So it seems a devil might be causing havoc in the cafe. Everyone look around okay."

They all nod, and while they look around they were thinking.

The strange teacher (DxD X OP fem reader Kiara)Where stories live. Discover now