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(Hey everyone, did not mean to make u all wait for so long. I had a lot of time thinking about who should be ur servant and I will be working on this story and my fairy tail story after this chapter. So, expect that. Also, the servant u will be summoning is a mystery atm but not going to lie there was a lot of u wanting Mordred and others wanted to see something different so be rdy to see who it is anyways to the chapter.)

Y/n Pov:

I was in my room when Xenovia. Knocks on my door.

Y/n: "Come in dear."

Xenovia: "Um Y/n can I ask you some questions?"

Y/n: "Sure dear what do you want to know?"

Xenovia: "How come you know so much about both holy and demon magic?"

Y/n: "Easy I study both fields and sense I have no alignment towards both sides so much. It was easier to grasp."

Xenovia: "Okay um another question when we were all down. In your workshop I saw something's I have never seen before. What are those things?"

Y/n: "Oh you saw the catalysts. Those things are far beyond a normal mage's power."

Xenovia: "What do you mean?"

Y/n: "A catalyst is something not meant to be toyed with. Those things are something that even, the red dragon and white dragon will fear."

As I snap my fingers and a bunch of images of heroes show up. Such as Gilgamesh vs Alcides, Kama vs Galahad, Aurthur vs the beast class, Sherlock vs Dantes and so on.

Xenovia: "What is all of this, some of these people I know of and some I don't. And they range from different eras."

Y/n: "And you are right because I've met and seen and face some of these people before."

Xenovia: "But how did you live to tell a tale. But even then, these people are-"

Y/n: "I would watch your words dear; those people are not from this universe their names are. But not the one's you see, those people you see on those images and such. Are the real deal, they are far stronger than anything you would see."

Xenovia: "Y/n what are you?"

Y/n: "Just a strange teacher that my students call me."

Xenovia: "Y/n you have seen so much and done so much, how do you know so much. Your powers are beyond this world's comprehension, how do we know you are not a threat to us all?"

I sigh and get up.

Y/n: "Easy dear I would have destroyed this world and killed the demon world and heaven itself. The only one who can even almost put scratch on me is the red dragon big red."

Xenovia: "Big red?"

Y/n: "Another time but for now dear if you wish to know more. Let me know."

As I grab a book and get my reading glasses. And started to read.

Xenovia: "Can I ask one more thing then Y/n?"

Y/n: "Sure."

Xenovia: "Be honest Y/n because I want to trust you and such, but I need an honest answer."

Y/n: "Cross my heart and hope to die."

Xenovia: "Okay don't avoid the question like you did before what are you?"

Y/n: "Your not fine with my strange teacher answer?"

Xenovia: "Please answer."

Y/n: "Fine."

The strange teacher (DxD X OP fem reader Kiara)Where stories live. Discover now