Teacher makes nose's bleed

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Y/n Pov:

I was just reading a book made by someone I was hoping not to hear or see his name. Hans Andersen bastard I will destroy him one day. (Look him up he is ruthless with his words.) Calling me a dairy farm for my big bust, tch little shit. I threw the book across the room nearly destroying my picture of art. I don't know what it is but it's nice, I think. (Insert art.)

Rias: "Everything okay teacher?"

Y/n: "Rias dear you can call me Y/n remember." 

Rias: "But-"

Y/n: "Shhh dear just call me Y/n and besides it makes you look all cute when you call me by name. We are both out of school and also did you get your homework done before you came here?"

Rias: "Yes I did."

Y/n: "Good now get ready dear I need to get ready as well. Oh and dear teleport out of here so people don't get the wrong ideal."

Rias: "Wait Y/n can I ask you something?"

Y/n: "Yes?"

Rias: "I was wondering that if you were forced into something you don't won't to be part of, how do you get out of something like that?"

Y/n: "Hmmmm tough to say, but what I would do is try and destroy this thing you are part of."

Rias: "You mean like fight back per say?"

Y/n: "Yes I don't care for fighting but if someone was to mess with my peace. I will make sure they feel every ounce of pain."

As I lick my lips.

Y/n: "Anyways got to get going dear. Have a nice day out school okay dear."

Rias: "Yes Y/n."

I wave her off as she teleports out of my home. And I get ready to head for the school to teach the kids. As I was getting ready I sensed something out my home it was a phoenix I look at it for a mere moment and bunch of hands grab the poor bird. From the earth dragging it down to it's death. Does not matter if you die you will not mess with my peace. I see the bird struggle and in that moment the bird does die but it can't rise from another dimension. A dimension were it's my law and my rules. So fun.

Y/n: "Oh got to get going to the school before miss. Wave takes my parking spot."

A few minutes later:

I made it in time. And started walking to my classroom until I bump into someone I have not seen in awhile.

Y/n: "Sorry miss. Shitori are you okay?"

Sona: "Yes miss. Sessyoin sorry about that I was not paying attetion and...uh I swear this never happens."

Y/n: "You scared around or you like to do this around me?"

Sona: "NONONONONo it's just bad timing."

Sure I know what your trying to do, I'm no fool I can sense lust. But let's play along.

Sona: "Anyways sense were alone for the moment miss. Sessyoin are you a mage?"

I nod smiling at her placing my finger upon her lips seeing her blush like crazy.

Y/n: "Yes Shitori I am but don't tell or I might need to teach you something."

I wink at her and she was red all over her face I think I might have saw steam. I pat her head as she was confused as ever. I was outside of my classroom, getting ready to teach I open the door. Hearing the class president to tell everyone to bow to me and such.

Y/n: "Thank you very much, now class tell me did you all get your homework done?"

They all nod and some did not.

The strange teacher (DxD X OP fem reader Kiara)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें