The snake

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Y/n saw the light yesterday and to be honest she was not happy. She did not want to deal with the holy knight again, after what happened last time.

Y/n: "Well this is bad for me."

Y/n get's ready for a fight just incase, if the holy knight was to come after her.

Y/n: "First BB now the king of knights man, let me guess the beast class Draco is coming after...Fuck did I just jinx myself hope not."

Y/n: "Maybe I can find a way to talk to the holy knight."

Y/n: "...No he's not dumb."

I was thinking so much until I heard a knock on my door.

Y/n: "Come in."

It was Rias and her club.

Y/n: "Hello everyone did you need something?"

Rias: "Yes we saw that ray of light and still don't know where Kiba is at."

Y/n: "Well sorry to say this kids."

Akeno: "What's going on teach?"

Y/n: "Well the real deal is here King Arthur."

Asia: "You mean god's holy sword user?"

Y/n: "Yes, and there is a good chance he is hunting down the beast class me. Or Draco."

Issei: "Who is Draco he sounds like Ddragi."

Y/n: "It's a woman."

Issei: "Even better."

Y/n: "Issei for once think before you say anything."

Y/n: "The beast Draco or should I say Sodom's beast. Is another beast class like myself. Though the difference is that she has her full power."

Rias: "What is she might I ask?"

Y/n: "Sure Draco is Nero emperor. Who is the number of the beast, but if the king of knights is here that means she either is nearby or he sensed my magical energy."

Akeno: "You mean he can take you on?"

Y/n: "Yes very few can face me in a full powered fight, he's one of them. Overall it takes a lot of people to land even a hit, but with someone like him or. Anyone else near his level is a threat to me."

Y/n for once felt panic and anxiety she felt the bite of his blade. It hurt her like hell, she never wanted to feel such pain again in her life.

Y/n: "Kids I need to be myself for awhile."

Rias: "Before we go Y/n can you show us an image of Draco?"

Y/n: "Why?"

Akeno: "So we find a way to hold her off until you or someone face's her."

Y/n: "Sure but even then you don't stand chance against such a monster."

Issei: "Holy hell she's hot

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Issei: "Holy hell she's hot."

The girls had no response to her they felt jealous, of her beauty and felt fear as well.

Y/n: "Issei that thing can nearly kill you on the spot if you looked at her funny. Issei beast class like myself and others are no laughing matter."

Issei: "Sorry teach but she is just so damn."

Y/n: "Quite the girls can sense the powerful aura and this is only a image of her. Draco is another powerful foe. So no matter what kids watch out okay, both Draco and Arthur are here. Meaning this could turn into a holy war beyond anything." 

Ddraig: "I can sense her aura from the image as well, she has crazy amounts of power. She can even beat me."

Issei: "Nah Ddraig your the best."

Ddraig: "I do like the boost of confidence but this is beyond us we need to let Y/n deal with this not us."

Issei: "But I want to help."

Rias: "No Issei this is a fight we can't help with if Y/n say's is true we don't stand a chance."

Issei for once was thinking and wanting to help but he knew he would only get in the way if. Y/n says is true Draco, Arthur, and the faction meeting.

They left there teacher and were outside.

Rias: "Man this world has been getting crazier than ever before."

As she said those words someone was trying to contact Rias.

Rias: "Hello...oh Grayfia what is it?"

Grayfia: "Your brother would like to speak to you."

Rias: "Why what's going on?"

Grayfia: "Best we speak in person and bring everyone along this is needed to be heard by everyone."

Rias: "Okay got it."

Akeno: "What did Grayfia say?"

Rias: "My brother want's to speak to me but asked, for you guys to come as well."

Koneko: "Back to hell."

Rias: "I don't know what's going on."

Akeno: "Might have something to do with Arthur?"

Rias: "I doubt it must be about the meeting with the faction's."

Y/n: "Girls keep an eye out open for them something might be coming to attack them soon."

Xenovia and Irina nod and smile and walk out to follow the ORC.

As Y/n was doing her own thing someone was watching from above her home. He had fallen wings and winning smile. He had a blade of light.

He points his finger towards the home. The home was destroyed and Y/n nowhere to be found.

Kokabiel smiles to himself knowing he killed a force that could end him.

Kokabiel: "Seem so easy man we fallen have become weaker."

Kokabiel: "Good thing my message was fake now time to meet them at the school."

He was gone from the sight. Then waited for the ORC and the nuns.

Kokabiel: "If I play my cards right, I will get my weapon and my winnings."

Few mins later:

The ORC made it to the school safe and sound with two nuns following them. Plus one person who was following them from the shadows.

The strange teacher (DxD X OP fem reader Kiara)Where stories live. Discover now