Let loose

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Devil Pov:


Riser: "Tell Riser right now what is it?"

Devil: "I found out Rias and she seems to be sleeping with someone. Here sir."

I hand him a photo of the woman that saw me and seems Riser is enjoying what he likes.

Riser: "Good job Riser is happy now you may leave Riser's sight now."

Riser Pov:

As the lowly devil leaves my sight, I look at the woman that was with Rias, and might I say she has a body that can rival most people. Even rivaling Rias, herself alright time to make my move. Riser always gets what he wants.

Y/n Pov:

As I was laying with Rias next to me, she was cute she was she was having such lovely dreams. I enter her dreams and see her well. Having a fun time with someone.

(Lemon scene)

I was watching her getting some love. She was being eaten out by a dream version of me, my dream self, puts her fingers into her V area. She was playing with it, opening it wide while using her thumb putting it some other hole. My dream self-stops for a moment and starts to flick with Rias breasts. She moans and yelps a few times like a cute kitty. She was doing her best to hold her moans in. She was more red than her hair as her face gave it away, her nipples were played with as my dream-self puts her thumbs in them and pulls them out. Every time I see that I think of the pop you do with your mouth sometimes. Rias wanted to suck on my breasts so badly, like she was a baby. Dream me did so and in the process dream me keeps fingering her. Until she climaxes. 

(Lemon over)

Y/n: "I feel honored to know you have such feelings towards me. But sorry dear time to wake up."

Rias: "Wait this was a dream?"

I snap my fingers and we got out of her dream. She yawns all cute like until she noticed me again.

Rias: "Ho-Ho-how much did you see~"

She says in an embarrassment tone.

Y/n: "Yes."

She put her face into her hands and was so embarrassed now. I get up and started to head for the shower.

Y/n: "Rias dear if I remember correctly, you must be going to a camp right. If so you and the other must get ready, I want time to myself. And let me know when you win dear. But I don't get a word from you or someone else, I will make sure I come and see the events."

She nods and gets up, and hug's me tightly as she tries to give me a kiss on my cheek as she tries. A white hand comes between us as I giggle.

Y/n: "No no dear, not yet."

Rias: "Aw...Hey Y/n can I ask you a question what's with those hands why are they with you so much?"

Y/n: "That's a good question, and I have answer towards it. Rias hands tell us something we don't know much about. It shows only violence and anger. But it can show love and happiness, and these hands are from the people I have killed, I killed so many you can count to 50x's of earth's population."

Rias: "How?"

Y/n: "I killed so many easy dear, where I came from, I was not human I was something called differently but enough about me dear."

Rias: "But?"

The hand comes out from behind her keeps her mouth shut.

Y/n: "Dear don't bring it up it's something I don't and hate talking about. Not my best moments but it's better if we leave it as it is."

The strange teacher (DxD X OP fem reader Kiara)Where stories live. Discover now