We protect eachother

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My eyes slowly opened while I tried to adjust to the bright lights that hit me. What's going on?
It took me a moment to remember Nala, the stabbing, and the weird hazy phase I was in before falling asleep. I recognized where I was as the med bay. I sat up and immediately noticed the amount of dried blood that covered my whole shell, but also that there weren't any wounds. I wiped it a little and must have accidentally wiped blood that wasn't completely dried yet because my hand got all sticky and red.

"Eww, that's so gross!!"

I heard loud gasps that interrupted my thoughts and I immediately looked up and standing right in front of me, a couple feet away from the bed, were all three of my bros. All with bright red puffy eyes, still crying. They were all looking at me with wide eyes, almost scared...

"Uh, heyyy dudes. You okay?"

After hearing my voice for the second time, it must have pulled them back from wherever their minds were, and all three of them came running towards me at once, all with their arms extended. Everyone wrapped around me tightly crying either into my shoulder or on my head. I awkwardly laughed a little as I tried hugging back the best I could.

"W-w-we thought you were d-dead Mikey. We thought we'd n-never see you a-again." Donnie sobs into my shoulder. I completely froze up. It happened again. In front of my brothers! That's why there's no wound. Damn it, Mikey!

"Oh.." I finally say.

Donnie lifts from my shoulder and looks me straight in the eyes with his eyebrows furrowed, looking kind of angry at my dry answer.

"Oh? That's all you have to say to that? Oh?!" The others slowly lift off of me as well, looking at me the same way Donnie is. Almost as if they were hurt that I didn't react more to being "dead".

"Mikey. Your heart stopped! You stopped breathing! You died! It's been almost fifteen minutes!! And, OH MY GOD YOU'RE STILL BLE-" he suddenly panicked as he grabbed some bloody gauze from the table before finding that there was no more bleeding. In fact, there was no wound at all.
"-B-Bleeding? W-Where did it go? Y-You were bleeding out! You were impaled! We all saw you! You were bleeding everywhere, you died! Where is the wound!"
Donnie pulled my body forward quickly looking at the back of my shell before lightly pushing me back into the pillow. Donnie puts both of his hands on his head with his eyes shut, breathing heavily.
"You were bleeding! There was blood everywhere. You were stabbed, you were bleeding. Where, what, no. You were bleeding!" Not knowing what to do I grabbed the closest arm to me and brought it down forcing him to look at me.

"Okay, Donnie. You need to breathe for a minute okay dude? I'm okay! I'm alive and breathing. There's nothing to worry about."
Donnie stared at me, going from eye to eye before nodding slightly and closing his eyes. Focusing on his breathing he calms down. After a minute of an awkward silence, only broken by sniffing and loud breathing, Raph held my hand.

"We saw you get hurt, Mikey. Right in front of us, you were hurt badly. And now you're just all better? Like none of what we saw even happened? That's just. That's just not right. It's not possible.." I stared up at him with wide eyes, shocked at how calm and collected he sounded. Raph of all people. I can tell through his eyes though, that he was panicking just as much as Donnie. And when I took a quick glance in Leo's direction, it was clear he was too. I sighed deeply. I took a deep breath as I looked up at the roof, while another awkward silence surrounded them. I closed my eyes tightly trying to pretend I was anywhere else but there. I could sense everyone looking at me, and normally I would love this much attention. But right now, in this situation, I just want to sink into my shell and never come out.

"Y-You saved me Mikey" I opened my eyes and looked back down at Leo. He looked the most distraught about all of this. I could tell he was trying his hardest to keep himself from breaking down right now.

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