On patrol

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It's been a couple months since that whole embarrassing encounter with Donnie. Luckily he bought my story and hasn't spoken a word of it since. However, the next day he came into my room with a skateboard he had built himself, telling me how I "couldn't break this one ".  Which made me feel absolutely horrible for everything that happened the night before.

Everything's gotten better since then! It took me a little while to feel a little better, and I still have bad days. But since that night, after Donnie, I realized how selfish I was to even think about doing it, never mind actually attempting. Everyone was grieving in their own ways. And just because some little voice in my head told me I wouldn't be missed, and that everything would be better without me, it was fine to just give up on them?

The reason everyone was the way they were was because of a loved one's death. So why did I think adding to that number would solve anything? Sure, part of the reason I promised myself that I wasn't going to kill myself, was because I couldn't actually die, which completely freaks me out by the way. I just try not to think about it...

Since that day, Donnie has been coming to eat with us almost every time! Leo and Raph seemed to be getting better too. We are all laughing and playing games. It almost feels like our normal selves again. We even began to patrol again! There never is much going on though. The most action we get is the purple dragons, but they aren't much. I probably made it sound like a bad thing, but it's actually a great thing. I don't mind just chilling out for a bit. After what we went through...We deserve a long rested break.

But of course. It never lasts long for us.

"There! Do you guys see that?!" Leo points to a dark alleyway at the dark silhouette leaning against the wall.

"We have to go check it out!"

"Wha-Leo. They aren't doing anything. What's there to check? Can't we just call it a day?" Raph complains. We've been out here for hours already and have done nothing. Raph was so bored he even played rock paper scissors with me! He won of course. Not because he's good though. He's really predictable. I let him win, I know his strategy. Every time anyone plays with him it's always Rock twice, paper, rock, then scissors before repeating. I'm the only one out of my bros to pay attention, however, so no one else knows about it. But the only way to get him to keep playing with me is to let him win most of the time. Otherwise, he would get frustrated and ignore me for the rest of the patrol.

"No, Raph. There's something off about them. I can't sense it."

"Yeah, well. Pretty soon you'll be able to sense something else too if you don't let us go home. They aren't doing anything, why would we interfere and make it into something?"

"Leo's right, look!" Donnie whispers rather loudly. We all look back at the figure to see another one walking towards them. Human, male, wearing a bright red hat and a dark green sweater carrying some sort of briefcase. I wonder what's in it? Maybe it's filled with chocolate bars! Or ice cream! Or maybe even a bunch of free pizza coupons! Oh man, that would be great. The man and the figure talk for a little before the man hands them the briefcase. The figure then opens the briefcase, just at the right angle so the lights hit it, allowing us to see what's inside.

Mutagen? The others gasped beside me still watching as the figure closed the briefcase and waved off at the man who then turned around and left rather quickly.

"We have to get that mutagen!" Donnie says probably louder than he wanted.

"There's no time for a plan. Let's just get down there as stealthy as we can and steal that briefcase!" Leo says before jumping down the fire escape, everyone following shortly after. The closer we got, the more we started to see what the figure looked like. Using our totally awesome ninja skills, we were able to surround them without being spotted. Until I accidentally tripped over a rock and fell face-first in front of them, that is... man I need to work on that.

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