Drama Performance

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Kinkajou's POV

Kinkajou yawned as she rose from her bed. She rubbed her eyes and looked around her room. Moon was still sleeping... Carnelian was who knows where... It was already 6:55 in the morning which also meant...

"Time for me to get ready!"

Kinkajou walked out of her room and headed for the bathroom. Entering, she grabbed her toothbrush and looked in the mirror. "Toothy-time!"  She brushed her teeth and then fixed her hair to look as cute as possible. "I should ask Moon if this will work for today! Hopefully everyone likes this style."  She walked back into her room to put on her daily clothes. As usual, she put on the school uniform with a pink jacked layered over it. Then, she slipped on her shoes and smiled. "Time to go!"

"Hey, Moon!" she called. "You up? It's almost time to go!"

Kinkajou heard her friends yawn as she yelled back "I know! I'll be ready in a second!" 

With that, Kinkajou headed into the kitchen and began to make herself along with Moon and Carnelain breakfast. She did this most mornings for three major reasons that most people usually have for doing an early-morning job like cooking.

-She likes cooking food

-Moon is never up early

-Carnelian is a jerk who can't cook

All good reasons for why Kinkajou was the one who did cooking all the time. "Now for todays food... Maybe they'd want an omelette? Nah. We have those all the time..."  She looked at the ingredients and frowned. "Well there's that... We haven't had that all year..."  She smiled, rolled up her sleeves, and began baking. "This is gonna be epic!"

Ten minutes later...

"Food is ready!" Kinkajou called to Moon and Carnelian. 

From out of their rooms, the other two girls came with huge yawns and school uniforms on their bodies. Carnelian groaned as she looked at the pink haired girl. "Just why didn't you get me up, Kinkajou? I had to wake myself from slumber!"

"I thought you were up!" Kinkajou protested. "But still, let's just forget that and dig in to breakfast."

"Great! I'm star... Kinkajou, just what is this?" Carnelian asked. On the table sat a new dish that neither she or Moon had seen before. Some sort of waffle covered in cheese and salsa and leaves...

"Is it a new dish?" Moon asked.

"Yep!" Kinkajou exclaimed, enthusiastically. "I call them Spanish waffles!"

"No, those would be Churro waffles..." Moon observed. "I thought that we just had a discussion on offensive jokes anyway..."

"No, that was the boys in an entirely different segment." Kinkajou said. "And anyways, it isn't racist! These are just waffles with different sauces and toppings added on. I assure you that they're good!"

"I feel like I've lost my appetite..." Carnelian mumbled as she headed for the door. "I'm going to go return some books to the library. See you at class!"


She left the room and Moon looked at Kinkajou apologetically. "I also have some books that need be returned to the library, so I'll have to pass as well."

"That's fine. Just don't expect for Carnelian to actually be there." Kinkajou warned. "I doubt that she can actually read any of those books anyway." Moon laughed and waved to Kinkajou as she left the room. Once she was gone, Kinkajou sat down at the table and looked at her food. "Is it really all that bad?" She picked up a fork and dove into the waffles, eating a bite of them. "Hmm... I think that they're... Gross."


Moon's POV

Moon looked at the teacher as she took notes for the class. She was currently in drama class, otherwise known as the worst period of the day, and had missed some of the notes she needed for the drama presentation that had to present that day.

"I'm not even sure what he means by 'drama' really. How do you present that? Just talk about the daily gossip or something?"  She sighed and looked over to her friend, Kinkajou, who had her head down on her desk. "She's been looking like that all day... Was something in those waffles she made earlier?"

"Alright. Now that I'm done with my teaching, Moon, you need to begin with your drama presentation first." Mrs. Kindle said.

"Yes, ma'am." Moon replied. She stood up and walked up to the front of the room, looking at her classmates in front of her.

"Okay... Just talk about drama, Moon. It can't be that hard, right?"

"Good morning, class! Let's talk about drama. I know that you all have something in common. Like how Pike over there sleeps under the bleachers and how Mr. Webs only flirts with old teachers."

"H-How did you know!" Pike exclaimed.

"Mr. Webs sure is a creep. Now wonder Mrs. Coral hates him so much..."

"Now I don't mean to begin or start any drama but Turtle's whole family voted for Obama. Icicle's jailed for trying to murder. Sora feels like that the former one hurt her. And this school is paid off of taxes that aren't even used so that schools building could be made better."

"Dang! She's popping off!" Winter laughed.

"Why did she feel the need to add in Turtle's family votes though?" Tamarin asked.

"So many reasons..." Bigtail mumbled.

"Now I should give y'all a warning that this School is just importing all of their lunches from China for free so that they can keep on snoring. People hate Coconut cuz he's just a nuisance. Tsunami was found trying to accuse us of graffiti that was found on the locker but was really just an excuse for so many problems and I'm here to solve them. Like how Qibli's hair line is really receding. Umber likes Carnelian but was really just teasing. And Kinkajou can't make no waffles for us because when you see them you will immediately be leaving."


"Why would you tell everyone that?" Qibli asked.

"It's true. I found that my waffles suck!" Kinkajou admitted, still lying her head on her desk.

"What's next?" Carnelian asked herself, rhetorically.

"Now why are you mad now? I'm just the messenger. No need to fight with me. I'm just trying to make sure that all of you know that there are some problems here that's just a fact. So, I think I'm done now- Oh wait! Mrs. Kindle is actually bla..."

"No more!" Mrs. Kindle exclaimed before Moon could finish. "You got a 100%. Your good..."

"Sweet!" Moon replied, happily.

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