Qibli's Lesson On Flirting

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Qibli's POV

Date: Saturday, November 18th

I was walking around the school of Jade Mountain Academy. The halls were peaceful and students abounded around, living their daily lives on a Wednesday morning. Things were so normal in fact that the halls of the school were calm and quiet.

A little too quiet...

Qibli Sandstorm, a sixteen year old from the deserts of the world, was watching the students go by as he usually did. He gave his usual charming looks and laughed when a pretty girl would walk by, rocking his exceptional handsomeness.

Qibli's best friend, Winter Blizzard, was also there and watching the scene look. Yes, the atmosphere was quite nice, but Winter was onto something. The girls were acting so carefree and open to attack.

A little too open to attack...

"You see her?" Winter asked Qibli as he pointed to a girl walking in the crowds. "She's not even caring if the 'beast' would come for her..."

"Yes, my dear associate." Qibli agreed, looking at the girl in question.

The girl was named Moonwatcher Vanish and was one of the personal favorite's of Mr. Winter and Mr. Qibli. The long back hair and her wonderful green eyes hidden under a plain yet beautiful wear of clothes. Truly a beauty that would catch the eyes of even the most stern of men...

"We need to get to that one before the other do..." Winter agreed. "That Turtle fella has been getting ahead of us as of recent. We need to make our move before he does..."

"Agreed." Qibli said. "The plan is ready. It's time that the boys made themselves a new catch of the day!" But unbeknownst to them a figure lurked in the shadows... Most may think that this was your everyday wanderer of the streets of the school, dear Umber Moss. But his aura was so friendly you could not miss it.

A little too friendly I may add...


 "Cut! Cut!" The video stopped showing as Winter shut it down with a sigh. "Qibli, just what is this? You said that you could make a five star production for art class, not a show about your flirting skills!"

"It was five stars!" Qibli protested. "Now let the thing keep rolling! We haven't even reached the best part yet!"

Four boys sat in Qibli and Winter's dorm room, making what was supposed to be a movie presentation for art class. Turtle, Umber, Winter, and Qibli were making the movie to try and get the best grade for the assignment, however so far...

"This sucks, Qibli." Winter concluded. "Just why did I ever let you try to make this a success?"

"Qibli, just why are me and Umber the villains anyway?" Turtle asked. "Wouldn't it make more sense to have Winter as the whole villain of your movie since he's competing against  you for Moon's love?"

"Nah. I need my best friend to be my sidekick!" Qibli exclaimed.

"I am no one's sidekick." Winter haughtily protested. "And besides, the storyline doesn't even make sense in the first place! Just when do either of us act like such miscreants?"

"Winter does have a point." Umber agreed. "Maybe go for more of a modern speech for the characters... And just what even is the 'beast'?"

Qibli laughed. "You'll find out in due time..."

"No we won't since I am not accepting this as an exception presentation!" Winter exclaimed. "Now back to the drawing board you idiots!"

"By the way, Qibli, just why do you flirt all the time anyway?" Turtle asked.

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