Welcome to Jade Mountain Academy

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Moon's POV

Ever been to school? Rude teachers, homework, friends, pushups, dating, drama... Ever wanted to go to school up in the mountains where only a select few people go to school? Well that is all described as the school of Jade Mountain Academy!

Moon looked at the school building as she watched countless students head through the doors. This year, she was starting this newly formed academy with her friends and was kind of nervous.  "What if the other students don't like me? I know I have my friends, but what about when I don't?" 

She looked at all the other people and frowned. The idea of Jade Mountain Academy was to let kids from all the different kingdoms in the continent of Pyrrhia go to school together, a feat that had never been accomplished before. These kingdoms included the following: The Skylands, the Sands, the Blizzard Kingdom, the Mud Kingdom, the Oceanic Islands, and the Rainforest(Although its home to two kingdoms under one ruler).

As Moon thought to herself, she heard the bounding footsteps of a familiar person... "MOON!" 

An excitable person crashed into Moon and almost knocked her off her feet. Yep! Just how Moon expected to start the year... "Hey, Kinkajou."

"Oh my goodness!" Kinkajou exclaimed. "Its been so long since I've seen you, Moony! How was your summer? Mine was amazing! I did hang gliding and parasailing and I even got to go to my sisters wedding!"

"Is that so?" Moon asked, although she'd expected most of this. Kinkajou was a very outgoing person to say the least...

"So, what are you doing up here?" Kinkajou asked. "We should head down to the school! The others are waiting for us there!"

Moon nodded and headed down from her spot to the school campus below. When she arrived on the grounds, a tingle went down her spine. "Let's just hope that nothing bad happens this year..."

She and Kinkajou walked to the spot where their friends were waiting, chatting among each other. When they spotted Moon and Kinkajou, they waved. The first to call out for them was Qibli.

"Yo! What is up, Moon!" Qibli was a very extroverted person and one of the most popular boys at the former school they went to. He was famous for always flirting and being nice to just about everyone.

"Sup, Moon." Winter said after Qibli. Winter was about the exact opposite from Qibli. He didn't talk to most people, had an icy exterior, but was also another popular boy back at their old school. Most people loved how he was cold to just about everyone, but if you could get him to open up he was actually just a big softie.

"Oh, hey..." The last one was Turtle. He was a huge introvert who almost never said anything, yet was extremely muscular and a star on the basketball team. He had a secret crush on Kinkajou that everyone except Kinkajou herself knew about, so most of them would try to set the two up on dates and such.

"So, how was everyone's summer break?" Qibli asked.

"Its was so awesome!" Kinkajou yelled first. "I-" Before she could finish her sentence, she was cut short by Winter.

"Kinkajou, we've all heard what you did like a thousand times!" Winter complained. "Maybe let someone like Moon talk or something?"

"Sorry." Kinkajou apologized, sticking out her tongue. "But seriously, what did you do, Moon?"

Moon shrugged. "Not a lot... I mostly read books and helped my mom with some things around the house. How about you, Turtle?"

"Ate, slept, wrote, ate, slept, wrote, ate, slept, wrote..." Turtle looked at his hands and nodded. "Yep. That's about it."

"Well I did some very interesting things!" Qibli said. "I recently became part of the royal army of my kingdom officially!"

"Good job, Qibli!" Moon praised. "So, Winter, your the last one."

Winter looked up at the sky for a minute before pulling out his phone. "Nope. Absolutely nothing!"

"Aww! Come on!" Kinkajou pleaded. "Now I got to know!"

"Me too!" Qibli joined in.

"I'd kind of like to know too..." Turtle agreed.

"Just what did you do, Winter? Rob a bank or something?!"

Winter was silent for a few minutes, but finally sighed and put his phone down. "I just entered into a voluntary job at a veterinarian facility, ok?" He was blushing which meant it was embarrassing for him, but everyone else was ecstatic.

"That's so cool, Wint!" Kinkajou said. "So you get to be around animals like all day?!

"It's nothing special..." Winter mumbled.

"Well sure it is!" Moon protested. "You should sent me a selfie of your work!"

"Me too!" Kinkajou said.

"Just don't be to cold toward the cute animals." Qibli joked. "It will give them a good chill."

"You should shut up, sand snorter." Winter growled. He sighed and walked toward the door. "Come on, guys! We'll be late for homeroom if we don't hurry up!"

The other nodded and followed Winter too their class. Moon, who walked in the very back, smiled. "Yeah, my fears may be true... This is about to be one hectic year!"

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