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A/N: Hey, guys! Just a quick thing to note before reading this chapter. Here, I will be including some dresses for reference as well as the guys clothes in the dance chapter. Hope you like them!

Kinkajou's POV

Ever felt that magical feeling you get once every so often? Ever thought that there was something more you could do and only because you were in that time of year? Ever been trapped under mistletoe on a very special holiday and made new memories that will last a lifetime?

Well... Not Kinkajou! 

"I want to go watch some cartoons!" Kinkajou complained as she was forced into a mall by Moon and Lynx. "Why do we have to go shopping anyway?!!! I WANNA WATCH MY GLORIOUS CARTOON SHOWS!!!"

"Calm yourself." Moon urged. "We need to go shopping now! There is no time to waste!"

Now, you may be wondering "Just why is Moon so worried anyway?" and that is a valid point. The reason was that it was now Sunday, December 10th. On the 15th, the school was holding a special dance for students to celebrate the end of the semester and the coming of Christmas! Moon worried that the girls needed to look good for the guys when that time came and hence did research on what was good for dance parties.

"Dresses, accessories, and cute boys to be there!" Lynx exclaimed. "It's so cool."

"I do agree with you, but remember that WINNE IS MINE!"

"Why do we need to impress the guys anyway?" Kinkajou asked. "They never wear anything that flashy... Well, except for Winter who always wears his suit. Still, is this really necessary?"

Lynx looked at Kinkajou and frowned. "Kinkajou, you do know that Turtle will be there. Don't you want to impress him with your girlish charms?"

"Why would I do that?"

Moon sighed. "How are you this oblivious? I will say though that I don't know if Kinkajou has any girlish charms... I think that she still may be a kid inside and out!"

"Fair point." Lynx agreed. "So, then how would we shop for someone like her? I don't really have any friends like her, so I don't know if I can help you much..."

Moon smiled and pointed forward. "I have some ideas that may just work! Even a dull dweeb like Turtle will be starstruck when I reveal the true sexiness of Kinkajou!!!"

"Where do you get these ideas? Aren't you supposed to be a bookworm?" Lynx asked.

She shrugged. "Meh."

Kinkajou sighed. "I swear that these two can be so stubborn! Turtle won't care that much if I wear a dress or not, right? It couldn't be that important!"


"I was totally wrong! These dresses rock!"

Kinkajou walked out of the dressing room to show Moon and Lynx what she was now wearing. Moon had picked a shop designed for more kid-like dresses that was near the center of the mall, and Kinkajou agreed 100% with her choice. IT WAS AWESOME!


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