First Assignment and First Capture

Start from the beginning

"YEAH, YEAH! WHAT HE SAID!" chanted some girls.

"You're not expelled yet so act like someone who's a student of ANHS, let's get moving to the safari zone." said the teacher nonchalantly.

Some students were still in their seats processing the information, including myself. I more or less understand my modus operandi for Pokémon related classes, as earlier, we had some regular classes like Biology and Physics, yet the teachers let us slack off.

I decided to stand up and start following the teacher.

"You coming, Horikita?"

She doesn't say a word and just stands up and goes on ahead.

~Pokémon of the Elite~

We're approaching the one sided glass area, which I believe covers upwards of half of the million square meter campus.

"Alright Class 1-D, you've arrived, you've done your job Stone Steven-sensei.." said Chabashira-sensei.

I guess the important bits of Pokémon will always involve our homeroom teacher.

Stone-sensei just nodded and left.

"Alright, now that you're here you'll be given your first task. You have to either beat an encountered Pokémon or capture it. A single one will be fine. You cannot run away from battle, so if you come back with a fainted Pokémon, you will come back again and again and again and again, until you finish this task, the deadline is today. The Pokémon Center is near the registration part of the Safari Zone, any questions?"

This time a different student raised their hand, I believe their name was Kushida.

"Yes, Kushida-san?"

"What is a Pokémon Center for?"

"Basically, it acts as a hospital for Pokémon in some sort of way, you heal your Pokémon there. Let's say it's the best way to heal your Pokémon if it faints. Just go to the nurse and she'll take care of the rest."

"If there are no more questions, I will give you 5 Pokéballs each and you'll be on your way. These Pokéballs are usually small in size before being used, so click on the center button and they'll be normal sized, ready to be used to capture a Pokémon. Usually there's an entry fee to go to the safari zone, but since this is part of the curriculum, it's free for today. The Pokéwatch on your wrist will give me the information needed to know, if you've completed the task or not."

A/N: Tracking software overpowered, there's no way Chabashira would wait hours for some of the worst off students to finish the task.

We line up and then register ourselves using our Student ID. I haven't yet linked it with my Pokéwatch, which is something I'll do tonight.

After I finished registering I was led off to a huge door and when it opened, my eyes couldn't do anything but wander around. The environment here is so pleasing to the eye and I can't really explain it with words. I didn't expect this to be what would be covered by the one sided glass walls, but I am not disappointed, not one bit. It's a lush forest area with lots of trees, it's a lot different than it is outside, not a sakura tree in sight. Mostly spruces and pines, leaves still on the ground, reminding me of autumn, even though it's spring.

When entering the zone, my Pokéwatch vibrated and AR-technology said that I've arrived in Safari Zone: Area 1 - Serene Forest.

"Now that everyone has arrived, go to the wild area and defeat or capture a Pokémon. The choice is yours." says Chabashira-sensei.

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