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After the evening spent at Daniel's mother's house, I found myself deeply unsettled by the fact that I could no longer recognize him. I couldn't help but wonder what had transpired in his life during all the years we were apart. There was a sense of mystery shrouding his transformation that left me feeling perplexed.

Lost in my thoughts, I was abruptly pulled out of my reverie by a joyful voice calling out my name from the front door. It was my sister, Manisha, accompanied by her young son. I quickly descended the stairs to greet them, eager to put aside my contemplations.

"Help me with the groceries," Manisha requested, handing me a bag. We made our way into the kitchen, the weight of the bags temporarily distracting me from my lingering unease. Meanwhile, my nephew Michael hurriedly scurried upstairs, his usual introverted nature prevailing as he sought solace in his video games, much like any child of his generation.

Curiosity piqued, Manishs inquired about the events of the previous night, mentioning our worried mother's incessant calls, as I had failed to respond to her attempts to reach me.

"I've been busy," I responded, trying to brush off her concerns. "I have an important review to complete... you know work it's just so-."

Manisha scoffed, clearly unconvinced. "That's bullshit. You still think about him don't you?
I've been telling you all along that he's not the same person you left behind.
Much has changed since you departed for India all those years ago. It's quite evident what kept you busy thinking last night."

"It wasn't that bad," I replied, placing the cereal boxes away.
Manisha approached me with a curious expression on her face, interrupting my task.
A hint of amusement played on her lips as she cleared her throat.

"Oh, really?" she teased, causing me to turn and face her, my eyebrows slightly raised.
She couldn't contain her laughter any longer, and it filled the room. "Is this why you're putting the cereals in the fridge?"

I glanced down at the box I was holding, feeling a wave of disorientation wash over me.
Stepping back, I carefully set it on the kitchen countertop. "I... I guess I'm a bit distracted," I admitted, my voice tinged with uncertainty.

Manisha's laughter subsided, and she approached me, sitting down next to me. Placing her hand over mine, she offered a comforting gesture. "Just let it go," she advised, her voice gentle yet firm. "I don't understand why you're letting this affect you so deeply. You and he were never really a thing, just a few summer flings, on and off. People change, Elsa. It's time to accept that."

I sighed heavily, my gaze fixed on a spot on the kitchen table. "It's not just about that," I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper. "It's his eyes... They were so empty, devoid of any spark or warmth. It's as if he has lost his soul along the way, perhaps even sold it to the devil."

Manisha's grip tightened on my hand, her eyes filled with empathy. "It's difficult to witness someone you once cared for become a stranger," she acknowledged softly.

I nodded slightly, my attention momentarily diverted by the incessant vibrations of my phone. With a scoff, I withdrew my hand from Manisha's grasp and reached for my phone to investigate the source of the disturbance. Perhaps it was just a mundane app in need of an update.

But as I glanced at the screen, my heart skipped a beat. It couldn't be true. A message from Daniel.

"Hi, it's me, Daniel."

Why in the hell didn't I see this earlier?

My breath caught in my throat as a rush of memories flooded my mind.
Flashes from the summer of 2013 played like a movie reel, invoking vivid recollections of his touch, his lips, his scent... The scar on his shoulder, the tattoo adorning his skin, the sensation of warm sand beneath our intertwined bodies, and the exhilarating embrace of his presence.

"Elsa?" Manisha's voice broke through my reverie, her hand gently shaking my shoulder. "Are you still with us?"

Cursing my tendency to drift into daydreams, I snapped back to reality. "Yeah, sorry. It's nothing," I muttered, attempting to conceal the impact of the unexpected message. "I think I'll go take a shower now."

Aware of my sister's concerned gaze, I added, "I definitely need to change. I'll be upstairs." With a swift motion, I gathered my hair into a messy bun, concealing my emotional turmoil beneath a facade of composure.
As I ascended the stairs, I caught Manisha's disapproving shake of the head, a silent acknowledgment that even my own family sensed something was amiss.

But the truth remained that only Daniel and I knew the depths of what had truly transpired between us.

As I stepped into the privacy of my bathroom, the warm water cascading over my body, I contemplated the significance of his reappearance in my life.

The past had resurfaced with a force that demanded my attention, leaving me uncertain about the path I should tread.
With each droplet that fell, I vowed to confront the secrets that haunted our shared history, even if it meant delving into the darkest recesses of my emotions.

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