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The room was filled with the distinctive sound of a champagne bottle being uncorked, signaling the start of an evening at a lap dance club. The ambiance was dimly lit, creating an atmosphere of desire and indulgence.

Only the most daring individuals in town frequented this establishment, or those like me who possessed the power to conceal any evidence of their activities.

In this particular club, known as the "red room," a strict code of secrecy was observed. Whatever transpired within these walls remained confined within them. It was a place where people could escape from the judgment and scrutiny of the outside world.

I found myself seated on a small red couch, my gaze fixed upon an empty glass clutched in my hand. The scent of expensive whiskey and cigar lingered on my clothes, a testament to the indulgences of the night.

A woman knelt before me, her presence both alluring and provocative. She posed a question, her voice barely audible amidst the pulsating music and the murmurs of other patrons.
"Do you like it?"
As she performed an explicit act upon me, I remained silent, my eyes devoid of emotion. It seemed that while my mind was stimulated, my body failed to respond with the same fervor.

With a soft groan, I reluctantly acknowledged her efforts. Dissatisfied with her excessive talking, I grasped her head, urging her to be silent as she struggled to please me. In that moment, it became clear that this woman's sole purpose was to satisfy my desires.

My thrusts grew more forceful, causing her eyes to well up with tears as she silently pleaded for relief. Her gagging sounds filled the room.

I felt no remorse as I urged her to complete her task, my mind focused solely on the desired outcome. There was a sense of "no pain, no gain" in my approach, a belief that satisfaction required a certain level of intensity. As I neared the peak of pleasure, I released myself into her mouth, providing her with a plentiful release. With a firm grip on her hair, I pulled her head back, bringing my face close to hers. In a low, commanding voice, I uttered a single word: "Swallow." Obediently, she complied, fulfilling my demand.

Once we had finished, she attempted to sit on my lap, seeking connection through a kiss. However, I swiftly intercepted her advance, my hand tightening around her neck, a stern reminder of the rules that governed our interactions.
"Don't," I said, my tone laced with aggression.

I released my grip, forcefully pushing her away from me as I stood, observing her from a distance. "I'll see you next Friday,"

I declared, adjusting my jacket with a sense of detachment. As I made my way towards the exit, my eyes surveyed the surroundings, ensuring that she was compensated for her services. I left a generous sum of money as payment, a reflection of the power and wealth I possessed.

While walking towards my car, my phone rang, interrupting the silence. I answered, and a voice on the other end addressed me as Mr. Dickens. "Yes?" I replied, recognizing the caller as Josh. His purpose was clear. "We need to discuss the outstanding debt your company owes me," he informed me, a reminder that even in this world of desire and secrecy, the realities of business and financial obligations could not be escaped.

I remained silent, my attention divided between the man on the other end of the line and my own thoughts. His voice persisted, calling out to me once again. "Mr. Dickens?"

"Yeah, sorry, I got distracted," I responded, my tone absentminded. "You'll have what we owe you, just give us some time."


Interrupting the man's protest, I abruptly ended the call, swiftly hanging up the phone and shoving it into the pocket of my jacket. Without further delay, I stepped into my car and embarked on the journey home. As I drove, my eyes fixated on the dark road ahead, my mind consumed by a whirlwind of thoughts.

My house was a well-known landmark in the city, its unique feature being the matte black color that set it apart from the surrounding residences. Parking my car in the driveway, I made my way inside, greeted by the familiar routine of disarming the fingertip alarm system. The solitude of the night enveloped me, a welcome respite from the constant demands and intrusions of the outside world.

Following my nightly ritual, I undressed, reveling in the liberating sensation of walking naked through the halls of my home. It was a rare indulgence, a moment when I felt truly free. With casual ease, I strolled into the bathroom, the sound of water cascading from the showerhead filling the air.

Stepping beneath the warm spray, I allowed the water to caress my skin, its pressure massaging my well-defined abs. I intermittently gazed at the glass enclosure of the shower, lost in contemplation as the droplets danced against its surface.

As I contemplated calling it a night, a nagging sense of responsibility compelled me to attend to some unfinished work. I sat down at my desk and began scouring various websites, searching for any vulnerabilities that could buy me some time to gather the funds I owed to my clients.

Just as I delved into this task, my attention was abruptly diverted by a notification on my MacBook. It was a text message, and to my dismay, it was from Natalie - not this woman again.
The mere mention of her name sent a shiver down my spine.

The message suggested that I should reach out to Elsa, and confusion washed over me.

Why would I want to engage with someone who was clearly connected to Natalie and my past in general?
Despite my reservations, I saved Elsa's contact information, hesitating for a moment before deciding to send her a text.

I found myself staring at the blank message box, my cursor blinking expectantly. Doubts plagued my mind. Was I being foolish? Should I really involve myself further in this tangled web? After much internal struggle, I settled for a simple and concise message: "Hey, it's me, Daniel." It seemed sufficient, yet a part of me longed to convey more.

With a sigh, I closed my laptop, feeling a mix of anticipation and apprehension. It was time to put the matter aside for now and surrender to the embrace of sleep, hoping that the night would bring respite from the complexities and uncertainties of my life.

RAVENOUS HEARTSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ