Don't move, don't do anything to get them angry, just follow it, do it so she won't be angry, then less punishment

But there was some sort of push in the back of my mind, like it was pushing through the autopilot part of me, fighting to say something - SHE'S DEAD!

She's dead, she's dead, she's dead. She's dead.


I gasped, as if I was struggling for breath, realizing what was happening, as if I could be free. I ripped myself from him before he could do anything else.

I fixed myself, grabbed my backpack and ran from the room, ignoring his angry shouts. I ran all the way to the library even though I really wanted to go back home, but I didn't need my brothers to know.

But if I did tell them, I strongly suspected they would torture him, then murder him. There was nothing wrong with that. But I just didn't want to tell them, probably because I don't trust them yet.

I wanted to get away from here, from the real world as far as possible. I sat down in the corner, plopping on a bean bag, pulling a book down and opening it.

Fairy Tales

Imagine being able to dive into a book and be able to live with the characters, not having to worry about school or life or anything that was real for the matter.

I could finally be happy, have a peaceful life. I would be happy without a worry for the world.

I used to think that I didn't belong in this world, which meant that I was actually a fictional character, who had somehow got out of her world. So I would go through as many books as I could without anyone knowing to see which book was mine, which world did I belong to.

But of course, that was a stupid dream of mines.

I ended up sitting outside of my math classroom, going on my phone, and ended up watching BTS videos on YouTube. It was fun watching it. I got so engrossed in it that when I looked up, Irene and Ashley were on either side of me, watching too. Serena was in front of us, shaking her head, but there was a fond smile on her face.

"Hey, I think we should go to class." I turned off my phone, shoving it in my pocket.

Irene and Ashley got up, pouting and grumbling. But they went inside with me, nonetheless.

When we sat down in our seats, Irene turned all of sudden to me with a determined look in her eyes. "He didn't do anything, did he?"


"You're lying." She narrowed her eyes. "He did, didn't he?"

"I'm not lying though." How the bloody hell would she know if I was lying or not?

"We've spent the last couple days together. Your hands shake when you lie, but it's not that obvious. Like you try to control it the best you can, so it's very hard to notice."

"Who are you talking about?" Serena poked in. "If you don't mind."

Irene looked at me, before I hesitantly agreed. They weren't the type to spread it around. So, I guess it's fine.

"Mr. Randy has it out for Emmaline, ever since she refused to wear the shorts. He whispered to her yesterday that he was going to fuck her raw as a punishment. And he wanted to talk to her after class today, but you know how he is."

"Are you okay?" Ashley's eyes widened, concern evident on her face.

"Yeah, don't worry." I put a stop to it.

This was weird too. Why would they care? I've never had friends before, so I wouldn't know anything about friendship. But, did they really consider me as friends?

They accepted it, but not without a fight. We went to work on our worksheets.

Spanish was okay. We copied down notes, and did the lessons in the textbook. But Ms. Rojas got some new stickers. They were boba drinks, according to Irene. She was horrified when I told her I never tried it.

History was the same. Everyone sleeping, me being the only one awake. Then, me sending notes, being called a goddess.

Except, someone drew me with a crown on, saying I was their queen. Then, I got kicked out of the chat, and added to a new one. I didn't really care though.

Behold, I was right when it came to Biology. When we walked inside, all the desks were in row. Ms. Briggs had a smirk on her face, paper in her hand as she watched us come inside.

The quiz wasn't that bad. It was pretty easy. Good thing I trusted my instincts.

"So how was it?" She collected the quizzes.

"Easy." Someone in the middle told her.

"Really?" She raised an eyebrow. "That's good."

"Ms. Briggs!" Someone raised their hand, waving it in the air. It reminded me of Jimin.


"Emmaline had a feeling there was going to be a pop quiz today!" He pointed at me.

Everyone agreed, and were chiming in. "She said so in the group chat, and said it was probably on organelles and functions!"

"If she didn't say anything, I wouldn't have gone over my notes. The quiz was easy!"

I proceeded to pull my hood up and cover my face, aware of everyone else agreeing and giving their own opinion.

"Alright." Ms. Briggs chuckled. "I think that's enough. It's a good thing Emmaline has some sort of psychic power and shared her vision with you. But I'm pretty sure she doesn't need the attention."

Thank goodness

"How about this?" She pursed her lips, waiting for everyone to quiet down. "There will be no quiz tomorrow. But we will switch papers now and grade each other's quizzes."

We switched papers with the person next to us.

"Take out a pen of a different color, and we will begin grading."

We listened to her share the answers, and checked along. In the end, Irene got everything right. She poked me, showing that I did too. She drew a smiley face in the corner too, cute.

"Raise your hands if you got everything right."

About everyone raised their hands.

"Would you all like extra credit or candy?"

"EXTRA CREDIT!" A boy jumped out of his seat, yelling. "Oh please Ms. Briggs!"

"What about everyone else?" She held in her laughter, looking at us. We nodded eagerly, before she agreed.

"Emmaline! Emmaline! Emmaline!" The same boy chanted, and everyone else joined in.

It reminded me of that one scene in Harry Potter, where the Weasley twins shouted, "WE GOT POTTER!"

It was strangely heartwarming, really. My heart, the sensitive little thing it was, was crying openly at the affection and warmth.

I could feel my mouth twitch, as if I wanted to smile or something.

That was the first time in my life I ever had that feeling, really it was. 


she almost smiled, but it's too early for her to smile

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