The Future brings a suprise (part 2)

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Hello guys! This is the next part of the time travel part which will be more boring then the one before this so if you don't want to read this this will reveal the stranger and will have some time travel and training. 

Stiles POV:

"Mieczysław Stilinski" Said future me?

"Well thats a plot twist." I said

"Now let's get some sleep because you will be training for the next 2000 years." Said future me

"I won't even live by then." I said

"Well for your luck you are immortal." Said Future me "And you will work on your powers and travel to some historical places."

"Wait, wait, wait! i'm immortal?" I asked now really shocked by this

"Yes you are, but go and get some sleep." Said Future me

Timeskip: 1999 years. 1 BC.

Its been around 2000 years. I have stopped counting at 500 years. Anyways, we have been training my speed, strength, abilities and mind. Strangely the person i have missed the most is Hope, and my dad of cource. I am much stronger then I have been about 2000 years ago. Now I have a meeting with Future me.

"Okay now its time for your 1st offical time travel." Said Future me

"Okay. What do I need to do?" I asked

"Okay, firstly you need to focus on your goal which in our place is AD 476. The fall of Rome. I will pull you to my location but you have to travel there. And after you are done then just enter the place that thread and touch it and think that you are there and you will be." Said Future me

"Uh... well okay. Let's try it." I said and started to focus on the year AD 476. I needed to be there so I thought that I'm there and slowly everything started to change around me and the next moment I'm seeing armies fight rigth and left and next moment I'm teleported to Future me.

"You did good. Well what time do you want to go? And don't even think about changing history, it would destroy everything you did your whole life." Said Future me

"Well I would like to go back where we came from. To go back to my friends." I said

"Okay, well kid your training is done for now but I will come back for some other training and try to experiment with your powers." Said Future me and vanished

I have gone back 1 day later then I came from. And appeared in my room

Hello guys! Sadly this is it for now but you will see future Stiles just not in the near future. I think the Stope ship will begin soon. Bye!

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