From Friends to Foes

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Hello guys sorry for not uploading the week before this. i have been busy and i have almost not written this but here i am suffering to write this in one hour but not to bore you guys here is a propably short chapter. You may hate me after this chapter. Shoutcout to JanosFanGod

Stiles POV:

"Given recent events, some students have expressed concern that I am not allowing you to have a say in the decisions that affect your future. And I agree. If you are expected to abide by this school's policies, it's only fair that you have a voice in how those rules are made. So, I am forming an honor council. One vampire, one witch and one werewolf, each elected by their peers. Along with our school counselor Emma, whose vote will represent the younger students." Said Alaric to all of the students. 

I saw MG looking back to 2 person and one of them said "MG is such a narc."

"Now, I have to go off-campus. In the meantime, I expect you to make good decisions and to vote wisely. That's all. You're dismissed." Finished his speach Alaric and we stood up and we walked away. I was assigned by Alaric to look over Hope while she is testing Landon

I walked int Alaric office and I sat down and put my legs on the table while waiting. After a few minutes Hope walked in

"I have to do some things so please don't kill Landon while i'm away or I will know if you try anything." I said and I walked off to unite the packs finally

I walked in with my pack memebrs following exept Landon. "I want to unite the packs so I challenge you to a battle the winners take everything. You can chose if only the alphas fight or the whole packs its up to you." I said

"We outnumber you very easily so i will chose the whole packs fighting. Be ready to submit to me." He said and his whole pack got into an agressive position. My Eyes lit up red and I signaled to my pack to stand down. And they attacked

Oh boy I'm about to pull an assassin's Creed Mirage on them :(

I Started running so fast that they couldn't even move it was like I'm faster then anything so i punched them in the stomach lightly so I don't kill them and I Pushe their alpha on the ground. i slowed down and everyone exept my pack fell to the ground in the room and I crouched down next to the Alpha

"I have won. Look around." i said and he looked around to see everyone of his pack member on the floor. I started to feel stronger and everyone exept him joined my pack. We helped them up and left the ex-alpha on the ground. I went back to Hope and landon hasn't arrived yet

"What are you doing here?" Landon asked from us when he arrived

"Dr. Saltzman wanted me to administer your tests, starting with some weird mystical blood analysis." Said Hope

"No." Said Landon

"We can always start with something else." I said. And we went down to do some other test

Timeskip till they are down in the gardenish place:

We did all kinds of test and he failed all of them. We are now watching Landon lifting some wood

"You can stop. You failed. You have no supernatural strength." Said Hope

"What's next?" Asked Landon

"Next? You failed the vertical climb, the long jump, and you straight-up refused to swim across the lake." Said Hope

"Yeah, well, excuse the foster kid for never having swim lessons. Look, I might suck at-at... everything, apparently, but I only have to pass one test to stay, so I'm not giving up yet." Said Landon

"How's it going?" Asked the school counselor

"Landon was about to run sprints to the lake and back." Said Hope while she clicked the button on the stopper and Landon ran off

"What are you testing for, exactly?" Asked the school counselor

"His ability to get away from me as quickly as possible. If he's gonna stay in this school, it's a must. And Stiles is only my guardian." Said Hope 

After this I only watched over them. 

Timeskip till voting:

"All right. Voting is now closed." Said school counselor. Everyone clapped

"Let's get started. The werewolf representative will be... Stiles." Said the school counselor. The werewolfs cheered for me.

Its all the same till Landon is attacked so timeskip:

Landon got attacked and I sensed it and I quickly ran there and beated up the guy and I have put him in a torturing spell and gave him to the teachers then lifted the spell

Timeskip till the nightime in the voting room:

Hope walked into the room and sat down next to me

"Sorry I'm late." Said Hope

"Hold up. Who voted for her?" Asked Kaleb

"I ran unopposed." Said Hope

The school counselor lifted used a lifting up spell and it lifted up the scale

"We're here to discuss if Landon should be allowed to stay at the school. My vote, on behalf of the lower school, is to err on the side of inclusion. We exist to help kids like him. Which is what I'm going to go do now. I have a search party out looking for Jed. As you've all seen, violence leads to more violence. If you'll excuse me." Said the school counselor and she has put a thing on the scale that is on Landon's side

"All right, who wants to start?" asked Kaleb

They teamed up against Landon so I had to step in

"You think that anything will change if Landon leaves? Of course not nothing will change. I vote for Landon to stay." I put my thingy in the scale. Sadly they won 3-2 so I escorted Landon out and Hope became the enemy of the pack.

1000 words again and only in 1 hour 10 minutes is crazy. I hope you enjoyed and goodbye see you guys later!

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