Dragon? More like Dragone

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Sorry for not uploading the week before this. I was quite busy with preparing mentally for school but I am ready now to give you more chapters.

Stiles POV:

Alaric rushes in "There's a fire-breathing woman running through the woods." He looks at us "Did I or did I not say 'don't engage'?"

"He's only dangerous if crappy apologies can kill." Said Hope and I sight

"Looks can be deceiving. Now our bus refugee, turns out she's a pyromancer." Said Alaric

"Just what I needed." I said

"Wait, wh-what's a pyromancer?" Asked Landon

At this point I lost my interest in talking so I started to play with a coin that I had on me. We heard a growl and we walk outside. The pyromancer looks at the knife in Alaric's hand and holds out her hand signing that she wants it. They don't know what she wants, so I say

"She wants the freaking knife that she will not get from us so..." the pyromancer's eyes glew orange "I think we should go back to the cellar." We quickly run in the cellar and close the door. The pyromancer sent fire at us before that and we didn't get hit but the door did.

"Hope, the doors." Said Alaric

"Got it. Adiuuatur." Hope used a magic and the fire vanished "Okay, it's a quick fix. It won't last long." 

"All right, great, I need a cell phone." Said Alaric

"Well you have good luck then. There are quite a few of those." I said pointing at the things that were from the people on the bus

"I didn't bring it here. I..." start"ed Landon

"If he says 'I swear', I'm gonna melt him." Said Hope

"I support" I said

We went outside and Hope tricked it and Rafael stabbed the 'dragon'.  Alaric was still talking on the phone when it turned out to be a real fricking dragon. How cool is that?

"You guys go. Get to the car and get out of here." Said Alaric to Landon and Rafael. They ran away

"Okay we kill that dragon and you go and hide" I said

"Like hell." Said Alaric

"Then tell me how I'm gonna explain to your daughters that all that's left of you is hot ash." Said Hope

"The dad card? That's a low blow... All right." Said Alaric and he went to hide

Hope held up the knife that was in her hand "Tenebris anima vestra contundito mortem. Et conteret spiritum. Frange vitam." She chanted

the dragom was coming back to us. My eyes grew red with a little glint of purple

You will know later

"Nolite corde. Ut sub terra esse, ad tenebras usque in sempiternum. Tenebris anima vestra contundito mortem. Et conteret spiritum. Frange vitam. Nolite corde. Ut sub terra esse, ad tenebras usque in sempiternum." Chanted Hope the dragon fell to the floor and turned back to human form and Hope fell to the ground out cold

I quickly took the knife out of her and stabbed the dragon in the neck. The dragon died. When Hope woke up I helped her up and helt out the paper to Hope so she can hide it quickly. Alaric took the paper out of my hand and looked at it.

"This isn't earth magic, Hope." said Alaric

"This wasn't an earth magic problem." Said Hope back

"We don't allow black magic. It gets inside your heart and it poisons your mind. Now, I looked the other way this morning 'cause I knew you were upset, but this is a death spell. A spell you couldn't have known you need to use on a dragon, which... which means you had other plans for it. Landon did something stupid, maybe evil. We won't know until we learn more, but... he's still just a kid, Hope... and so are you. This hatred... this vengeance... This is your father. It can't be you. I won't allow it. Now, you bury her. And I'll see you back at the car." Said Alaric to Hope. She was crying. I tried to calm her down. Alaric walked away

I put my hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her. I started to take away her pain and we burried the body together.

Should I make an another this week?

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