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Third person

"I don't give a fuck about. . .about Miso, hey do you know miso sounds like mizu? do you know what mizu means? Yeah, it means water, water is liquid, you know what else is liquid? His drink, right here! So...so I need Miso but in alcohol. Does that make sense? I feel like it does. Holy fuck, imagine a drunk Miso, I'd kiss her no cap. No I'd kiss her either way, then I'd ba-"

"Okay Minho, that's enough."

"Oh my God, Channie Hyung."

"I'm Changbin."

"And I'm Minho, nice to meet you," The black haired stumbled further, grabbing the younger's hand. He moved closer to Changbin, making kissing sounds with poker lips.

"CHAN!" Changbin yelled for help.

Jisung opened the door, his doe eyes scanning for the ravenette. Changbin had called him to come over cause Minho couldn't stop whining about for him to be here. "Sungie?" Minho dull eyes were trained on the brunette. Jisung waved lightly at him. He had mixed feeling on how to approach Minho. He was annoyed that he had been drinking way more often and on the other hand he felt pity for the older. He was aware that Minho had some sort of feelings for Miso, even when it was unbeknownst to the older. The way he would frequently talk about her, grin whenever her name was mentioned and how his eyes literally shone when he texts or calls her.

"Hi Hyung!"

"Sorry we called you, Changbin and I have classes in a couple of min-"

"No, its fine, I didn't feel like going today anyways," Jisung shrugged, cutting Chan off. The two olders soon left, leaving Jisung alone with Minho.

The black haired had sat down quietly, trying not to annoy Jisung even more. He saw the look on his face and knew he wasn't quite pleased with him. Jisung started picking up the bottles and properly disposed them, he took the half drunk bottle and returned shoved it into Minho's refrigerator. "You look like shit."

"Siwon, she..." Minho's voice drawled, he stretched forward, trying to reach for his phone. He hadn't told anyone except Jisung about her, and ever since Chan walked in on them kissing she had been spamming him nonstop. He wanted to show Jisung what she had sent him. "What the shit," Minho cursed under his breath, trying to key in his password but it would be incorrect every time.

"Hyung, you can show me later," Jisung took the phone away from him, plopping down next to Minho, an exhausted groan escaping him. "What about Miso? What's she saying?"

"Fuck off."

"Hyung, I'm only trying to help."

"No, fuck off."

"Lee Minho, I will fucking leave your moping ass." the younger growled, getting up and was ready to leave.

"No, don't," Minho wailed, pulling Jisung to sit next to him. "She said I should fuck off, not you fuck off, me fuck off," The black haired pointed at Jisung them himself.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Jisung grinned sheepishly. "Your mum called me the other day."

"I don't wanna talk to her."

"She's worried about you!"

Minho got up, staggering away from Jisung. "I'm starting to feel sober, I need another drink."

"No drinking," Jisung ran and stood in front of him, spreading his arms apart, a scowl on his face. Why wouldn't Minho just listen? What's so fun about drinking? Jisung just wanted him to be okay, not drunk off dangerous liquids. Minho whined in protest, trying to shove Jisung aside. "Only if you text Miso, then I'll let you have only one."

Bunny 🐰
Ten(10) unread message(s)

Hey chica
I don't know what to say

Sung forced me to|
Sung forced|

My cats wants to see you again

Okay I lied, they hate you, hahahaha

Its was just an excuse to see you :)

You know you also hates you?

C'mon I thought that would had worked.

If I were to arrange the alphabet, I'd put the d in u 😏


Sungie wants to see you!

Annoying fuck <3? Is typing. . .

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Question of the day;
Who's your favourite movie/ series/ anime/ cartoon character?

(Pls note that no discriminating on someone's opinion or else your comment WILL be removed.)

Thank you

Anyways hi, how are you?
As always Lee (> •-•)> will be taking your votes and comments


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