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Third person

"You think you can lie to me? Cute."

Miso huffed out her cheeks, giving Minho a skeptical look. Why is he here? What the heck does he want? To embarrass me again? Wasn't last time enough for him? She crossed her arms, looking away from Minho.

"Why are you here?"

Miso needed to be extra careful now with her words, and considering the fact that he was right here, in her house, on her gazebo, she needed to be on her best behaviour, last time was enough to drag her parents' suffocating attention. They wouldn't let her out of their sight and did a thorough search on her room, for anything that might had influenced her attitude that night.

"You gotta answer my question first," Minho shrugged nonchalantly, a bored look on his face.

"Fine, I was smoking," she rolled her eyes. "Ya happy now?"

Minho's bored expression didn't falter not for one second. He had a lot to say but chose to shut up, he didn't want to get involved in anything related to her, he didn't care about her likes and dislikes and wished it would forever remain that way. "You shouldn't," he managed to say.

"Shut the fuck up, you have no idea about how stressed I am," Miso paused, she looked around the yard, fright evident in her eyes. She swept her hair away from her face, huffing. "You, my room, now!"

Miso grabbed Minho's wrist, violently tugging him into the house, up to her room, not a single word was said, just Miso inwardly panicking and Minho being confused as fuck. She threw him into her room, slamming the door shut.

Fucking brat.

"Never thought you'd want the D so quickly," Minho quipped, chuckling at his own silly joke.

Miso face scrunched in utter, pure, clear disgust. "Screw you and your three inches."

Minho gasped audibly, placing a hand on his chest. He was indeed: Offended. "Wanna know for real?" Miso crossed her arms, and eye rolled followed suit. "Save it for when I'm dealing with you." He leaned closer and smirked.

"Kindly shut the fuck up, please!" She scoffed. Minho mocked her words, and boy did this enraged the brown haired. She grunted out of frustration, jumping on the male. Confused and totally not ready for such an impact, Minho stumbled backward, crashing on Miso's bed, the brunette sitting right on top of him. She pinned his hands above him head, a pout resting comfortably on her lips.

Minho- who was still beneath her- chuckled, he found this very amusing, normally he was always the one pinning a person down, never did he ever imagine himself in this kind of situation. He was a pinner, not a pinnee (let's pretend those are actual words.)

"What's so funny, dork?"

"How do you look so adorable doing such a sinful act?"

Miso cringed, getting away from him, her face burned crimson and her ears flared red, oh yeah, she also saw red. Was he here to just annoy her?

"Your bed feels so, so," Minho tossed around her bed, annoying Miso even more, a sly grin on full display. "Comfortable, you know?"

"Its mine, of course I know," totally fuming, Miso crossed her arms, glaring daggers at the black haired. "Why are you here?"

"Truce!" Was that what Minho wanted? Was there an ulterior motive? Chan did talk to him yesterday, and from the little he remembered it was all blabbering about how he should tell his parents that he wasn't okay with this. Minho considered it for a second, he really did, he didn't want to have any talk with them, it would escalate, it always did. He was going to do this his way, no matter how irresponsible, selfish and stupid it was, or maybe sensible this time, maybe he should do the right thing for once.

Miso couldn't help but laugh. He thinks she's that stupid, huh? To just believe and pretend that everything is all sunshine, unicorn and rainbow. "No."

"I know you wouldn't believe me that easily. . ." Minho trailed off. "I'm willing to take up your offer, you know?"

Miso brows creased. Visible confusion.

"I know, it's stupid to just mess around. We play the game, you get your car, I get my freedom and then forget this ever happens. I'm tired."

It was dead silent. For more than twenty minutes, Miso paced back and forth, thinking, contemplating, pondering. It was too good to be true, Minho could really pull an innocent face. She'd occasionally peek, just to see him distracted by something in her room.

Yeah, she was willing to give it a shot. "Lee Minho, you better not be lying!"

A child-like grin appeared on Minho's lips, his eyes pushed into slits.

Step five; Play the game.

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Question of the day;
What's your favourite holiday?

(Pls note that no discriminating on someone's opinion or else your comment WILL be removed.)

Thank you.

Anyways hi, how are you?

Lee has a day off. May I introduce to you, bouncer Kim (> ^-^)> yeah, he a real toughie, I wouldn't mess with him if I were you, he'll be taking your votes and comments.


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