"it's just too painful to be trapped inside that hell,every day was a suffering and even death is a luxury for people like us but the worst part is,despite all the pain we passed through,they would still goes back to their families happily,like they didn't just ruined some lives"

"None survive that hard torture except me and that boy...."

"What boy?"taehyung asked while Jimin breathed in softly.

"The one who actually gives me a reason to live the boy who protects me at all cost,he took the hit,the pain and beaten for me that i wonder if i ever deserve that privilege in that hell"he chuckle dryly despite the tears that felled from his eyes at the mentioned name.

"he was ready to give his life for me and suffered more than me in that tiny room he was my only hope we stick together and look for a way together but in the end,he left me too"

He spat bitterly and harshly wipes his eyes,taking a long sip in his drink and the two started getting worried at his weird actions.

"He was my first love,my angel and my only hope he promised to come back to protect me,he said he would come back to me no matter what but he never came"he uttered lowly turning to the window,his empty eyes wander off to the distance.

"I waited and waited trying my best to stay alive Despite the fact I wasn't alive,I was a walking dead, I'm numb,i was paralyzed,i could no longer feel things"

"Yet I tried to survive but they killed my brother,the only family I had left and i lost the last sanity left on me and before I knew it I was already a monster who couldn't goes on without cravings for blood"

"the hatred I had becomes part of me and I didn't want to die until I have my revenge but at the same time I'm scared to live because i know it going to be a great torment sometimes I would goes back to my life just when did I become so cold or where are my feelings when I killed those family"

"There's sometimes when I miss him and wonder if he ever lived a normal life unlike me or is he passing through more than me,did he become a monster like me"

"there's no way he could live a normal life after all that pain and horrible trauma".

He turned towards the two giving them a grateful smile,his expression screams pain as he took their hands giving it a light squeeze.

"I know you two want the best for me but you shouldn't try too hard,I may never get better and I may die at any time"jimin shook his head,his tears felled uncontrollable while Taehyung sigh trying to hold back his own.

"I'm so grateful for always being there for me despite all the pain I made you passed through"

The two couldn't help the tears that escaped their eyes afterwards at the statement as their grip on each other tightened.

"Thank you Jiminie hyung for always being there for me despite this world not belonging to you,your life was filled with light yet you leave to come to mine that was filled with darkness you give me your love,you sacrifice your body and give me the life i never had,you shined your light through mine that was in a pit darkness"

Jimin lips wobbled, trying hard to control himself as Jungkook caressed his cheeks,his eyes full of fondness and love.

"I'm sorry for not treating you like what you deserve"he whispered softly nudging their heads together before placing a kiss on it.

His second hand was on taehyung who was watching with a softened face,his eyes teary.

"I'm so sorry taehyungie for hurting you and taking JM I'm not really in love with you at that time I just wanted you to suffer,you didn't deserve that yet you forgive me,you are really kind hearted tae and you don't deserve an evil jerk like me"

He confessed and Taehyung pecked his lips, smiling through his tears.

"i just want you to know that I'm grateful, I don't want to lose any of you,i would rather die instead"

"If one day I end up dead.please take care of Jiminie hyung and yourself "

The two shakes their head as Jimin was already sobbing while Taehyung sniff,his own tears felled.

"You could also live too,why are you being so negative"taehyung croaked and Jungkook wipe his tears away giving him a smile.

"I'm not dying,at least not now not until I have my revenge"

"Why can't you live for us"jimin expressed desperately taking both of his hands squeezing it like his life depends on it."no I won't let you die,you are not leaving us".

Jungkook smile and pulled him into a hug caressing his back as the elder sob painfully on him,he gestures to taehyung who joined while his tears flowed like a river.

"Stop being a crybaby you two, it doesn't suit your beautiful face"

Jungkook smiles,wiping their eyes with his thumb,he didn't cry the whole time but he was bleeding inside,he felt a pang on his chest,he had always wanted to die but now he desperately wanted to live but it's too late.

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