Zereph grabbed Ulterior by the collar, his eyes blood shot 'WHO ARE THOSE PEOPLE!?! HOW DID THEY FIND US!?! TALK!'

'Amazing,' Ulterior said, faking concern 'One says "not another word" and another says "talk"...Like I said, the chemistry is all off-'

Zereph threw him to the side kicked the car door open, launching his upper abdomen out the car to shoot at the bikers in retaliation.

The SUV zoomed forward and Yor glimpsed the helmet clad bikers scattering as Zerpeh's bullets shattered one's helmet. Clearly, they were not experienced shooters. But the bolts of bullets continued to serge as Yor spun the car off the main road, practically burning rubber, clesving a gap between the three pursuers as they scattered.

'BULL'S EYE!' Ulterior yelped in glee as Zereph shot a biker square in the tire and sent him spinning into some poor lady's gazebo.

The other two bikers converged, ceasing fire, forming a graceful arc around the car. Yor spun the steering wheel and the car was waltzing down the street in a fog of smoke. The bonnet broke one biker's ribs for sure but the other biker dodged the headlights and lached onto Yor's cardoor. Yor picked the door open and stomped the biker through the helmet and in the eye. The man screeched before tumbling back down the road with blood spraying form inside the carcass of his helmet.

But just as they thought they were safe, Four consecutive bullets flew past Zereph's head. The biker Zerpeh had shot in the tire was back on the bike of their fallen aly's.

'Here we go again, Zereph, hold on!' Yor bellowed and with. A great net burst from the car's exhaust, the car shot forward like a bullet, breaking the "Construction Ahead" signs into splinters by the force of the acceleration as the car flew into the air, landing with an earth-shattering thud onto the footpath.

Zerpeh looked out the window to see the biker laying limp down in the pit, Ulterior now thrown flat onto his back by the surge of speed, grinning like a child enjoying a roller coaster.

'The other two may come back,' Zereph was the first to collect himself 'Hurry! Go into that alleyway.... It's getting dark, They won't be able to catch up with us if we put enough distance.'

Yor nodded steading herself and pressing down on the accelerator.

'Is there anywhere we can seek shelter?' Zerpeh asked 'We can't go back to the hotel. They must know about it already.'

Yor bit her lip. This was no time for pride. They had a dangerous criminal mastermind in the backseat, and they needed to get him to Erza ASAP.

'There is one place about ten minutes away-'

'Then what the heck are we doing here!?!' Zerpeh exclaimed 'Go there right now!'

Yor nodded and spun the steering wheel yet again, the SUV disappearing into the darkness of the setting sun.

Reyla knew, as soon as a slightly bleeding and sweating Yor, Zereph and Ulterior turned up at her doorstep after parking the crumpled up sportscar a few blocks down the road.

Zereph threw Ulterior onto a chair at the kitchen table and Yor tied him up with the world's securest knot making technique that she had learnt at the Garden and gagged up the scumbag.

After that, it took several minutes to calm Reyla down and another fifteen minutes to explain the situation to her.

'Oh my god....' Reyla whispered under her breath, dropping onto the couch 'How-When-This is just too crazy!'

Reyla looked up at Yor with large, insect like teary eyes 'Radius...Do you think we'll ever get him back?'

'I will.' Yor affirmed, wanting to kick the woman for showing weakness in front of Zereph and blatantly showing him that the two women ahd a personal connection to Gray.

And Zereph heard it, in her voice, that she was losing the belief in that phrase herself.

'Excuse me,' Yor said as she took off to the bathroom.

Yor took a deep breath trying to compose herself, exhausted and disheveled, her usually vibrant scarlet lipstick smeared and her eyes showing visible sign of fatigue as she stood on the balcony.

"C'mon, Yor..." she thought as she straightened up, brushing back the loose drands of hair form her eyes "You can't give up now. He's out there somewhere.... I know it..."

The city skyline stretched out before her and lights flickere din the distance. Her shoulders slumped as she heard his footsteps. He offered her a sleek silver cigarette case, his eyes to the city. The light from the skyline lit his face in silver, making him look almost angelic and his glass like eyes glowed like sapphires in the night, his golden mane brushing his forehead gently in the breeze.

'I don't smoke,' Yor said, feeling something in her gut twist at the crack in her voice. She sounded like she wanted to cry.

'You do now.'

"Screw it,"

Yor took the cigarette and leaned against the balcony railing.

'You know, for all your calculating genius and witty banter, I still can't understand...' Zereph started as he lit the cigarette for Yor 'Why finding Agent Radius Rose is so important to you.'

Yor let out a dark chuckle as she inhaled the cigarette 'You really think I'd tell you, the man who threatened Agent Radius Rose's life and participated in a bombing? Forget it!'

For a moment, that same darkness from their fight in the bar loomed over him 'You are so-'

'What?' Yor snapped, egging him on as she exhaled a cloud of smoke, shooting daggers at him with her eyes. If looks could kill, they'd both be lying dead on Reyla's balcony 'I'm so what?'


Yor couldn't help the gasp that escaped her lips, nor the blush that heated her cheeks. But then, Zereph burst out laughing as Yor almost choaked on the smoke she had accidently breathed in.

'You Should-You should see the look-' he managed between fits of crazed laughter, tears drawing to his eyes 'on your-your face!'

'Wow, so mature.' Yor rolled her eyes, biting her lips 'Cody must be more adult like than you and he's barely half your age.'

As the laughter died down, however, the cool silence returned. To fill it, Yor took a drag and smoke swirled around her.

'What's your name?' Zerpeh asked, his eyes staring into the distant glow 'Your real name?'

'Prianka Chopra,' Yor replied sarcastically.

'Pft,' Zereph smirked 'You wish you were that hot....'

'You wish you knew my name!' Yor countered.

Her signature scowl was betrayed by the soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Zereph noticed that, unfortunately, and victorious grin flashed on his lips for which Yor smacked him on the arm.

They grinned at each other for a moment before looking away.

'Okay,' Yor said, taking another dragged before passing the cigarette to Zereph 'Okay, you let me in a little with that picture...I'll let you in too...Besides, this story really can't be of any advantage to you...'

Zereph almost chocked due to gasping in the smoke from the shock 'Seriously!?! Well, Well...Looks like Miss. Perfect does have a heart.'

'Don't push your luck, Etharious...' Yor worked hard to put that scowl back on. Her voice softened, and Zerpeh was shocked once again, not knowing she was capable to do that.

'Shoot,' Zereph looked into the city skyline while he reliesed smoke into the air, knowing Yor would feel much more comfortable without eye contract 'It's storytime...'

The Scarlet Phantom: Finding the Light in the Darkest of TimesWhere stories live. Discover now