09 // The Taste of Betrayal

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It felt like deja vu when I opened my eyes, my head pounding from all the thoughts of that night. It was as if someone had opened the kraal and invited the bulls to stomp in my head.

I heard voices speaking harshly, and I remembered where I was. I was in Silas' bedroom, in his bed.

"I don't understand why you won't allow me to save her, she could be dying."

"Cas, she just fainted."

"She looks so pale, I can help her."

"Or kill her!" Esra grounded.

Anger bubbled in my chest, and I wished I could leave without them seeing me. I sat up, feeling slightly dizzy. I waited for the fuzziness to dissipate, and then got off the bed and put my shoes on.

"She's awake." I heard Silas say. The door opened and they both walked in.

"You are finally awake," Esra said with a wavering smile.

"As you can see. I found what I came looking for, and now I'm going home."

"Yvonne, can we talk about this? It is not what you think. I can explain-"

My eyes finally snapped to hers. "Explain? What's there to explain that I don't know already? Esra, you betrayed me! You watched me lose my mind over this while you knew the truth. You guys probably share a good laugh about this at dinner, because I am your clown, aren't I? The stupid girl that willingly gave her virginity to a vampire."

My eyes instinctively fell on Silas, and I felt a pang in my heart. I willingly gave myself to him, I invited him in and opened myself up to him, I trusted him. Yet, he ruined everything for me, that was a moment I wanted to cherish forever. We both lost our virginity that night, it is probably the craziest thing to say, but we made love and became one even though there was no guarantee of ever seeing each other again.

That part killed me more than anything. It killed me to know that I lost a part of me I would never get back. As if reading my mind, he glanced away, his pale skin a shade darker.

I turned to Esra, who also glanced away in shame.

I strode past them without another word, and I was about to rush down the stairs when a small voice at the back of my head told me to be careful, the last thing I needed was to tumble all the way down and possibly risk losing mine and the baby's life.

When I came here earlier, I had planned to confront them and tell them of how they ruined my life, I'd planned to tell them that I was pregnant and curse them out of my life. But coming face to face with Silas and remembering the events of that night, made me realise that the baby was not a mistake. If anything, the only mistake here was trusting Esra and Silas.

My mind came to a startling realization when I stopped in the living room and stared at the TV set, flashes of that morning rushing through my mind. Esra had made me look crazy and said I was imagining things.

"I only realised it was you afterwards," Silas voice startled me, and I turned around to see him walking down the stairs with his hands buried in his deep pockets. "I was too tired to even pay attention to scents." He stopped next to me and looked at the set, I wanted to ask what happened that morning, but I was honestly not interested in finding out.

Running footsteps filled the silence as Esra came running down the stairs. "Yvonne!" She called breathlessly. "If you are going to leave, at least let me drive you home. It is late and it is not safe out the..." She trailed off as our focus came to her attention, and her face heated up as she avoided my gaze.

"She's a witch," Silas blurted out.

"Cas!" Esra shrieked, turning to him in horror. "He's lying, I'm not a witch, I'm a sorceress."

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