Chapter 5

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The day of the suitoring came in the blink of an eye. The word had already gotten out to the whole kingdom (which definitely made Lena happier). She was almost ready in her dress when Ella came barging into the dressing room. 

"Oh my god, little sis! You look so cute!", she gushed. Lena shot her an annoyed look, "Ugh, Ella, can you not squeal, please." Ella paused and stared Lena. 

"What?", she said noticing. 

Ella crossed her arms saying, "You look bothered, Lena. Are you bothered? Is something bothering you?"

"Yes. You! Now, can you go somewhere else?", Lena answered.

"Geez, you're moody. Well, I guess good luck at the suitoring. You'll definitely need it." And with that, Ella had left the room.

But she was right. Something was bothering Lena. She had gathered information about her target Finnegan Bullsby but she had yet to actually find him. 

"Okay, Princess, you're all ready. Good luck.", one of the dressers said. Lena was ushered out of the dressing room and into the throne room where she met up with her parents. 

"Wow, darling, you look wonderful", the Queen said smiling, "Now, remember to hold your head up, have relaxed shoulders, smile, straight back--" "Mother, I know. I've been in front of people my whole life.", Lena interrupted.

Her mother sighed. Lena couldn't tell what type of sigh it was. 

"We're counting on you, Lena, to not let anything go wrong today", her father mentioned. "Sure, I'll try my best", she responded, dismissing what he said. 

It's not that Lena never wanted to have a partner. She wants to have a partner that's not forced upon her. She wants to find someone at her own pace. Not through a suitoring of her parent's choice. Lena was only 21; she had a whole life ahead of her.

The Malfeens walked out to their thrones and faced the room of suitors. There was about twenty-five of them, all between the ages of twenty and thirty, all wealthy high-class men. They all bowed and listened to the King's greeting. Lena noticed half of them constantly staring at her. So far she saw none that caught her eye.

It was her turn to speak. She adjusted herself, "Good day, gentlemen. It is great to see you all here today. I am looking forward to meeting you all." Lies.

"WE WANNA MEET YOU TOO, PRINCESS!!", a sudden loud voice came from the back. There was a long pause of silence all throughout the room. Lena cringed and knew it was gonna be a long day.


The suitoring seemed to drag on and on. Lena did perk up a bit after she spotted Delphine disguised as a maid bringing refreshments in. 

But every time a different name was called on the list, it was the same boring and annoying men. Some were too childish and immature, some too irritating, and others she could tell only wanted the chance of her family's money and status.

Lena was scanning through the crowd when she stopped and back-tracked. She hoped her eyes weren't playing tricks on her. There, towards the back of the crowd, was Finnegan Bullsby. 

"Is it really him?", she asked herself. Within a few minutes, the announcer had clearly read the name "Finnegan Bullsby" and a man with perky blond curls appeared to the front. 

Lena internally smiled. What a coincidence! This might just be easier than she expected. Perhaps her parents actually helped her out with this idea of a suitoring.

"Princess Lena", Finnegan bowed, "It's a pleasure to meet you." 

Lena nodded back, "Nice to meet you. So, what is it you do for a living, Mr. Bullsby?"

"Well, I majored in business and am currently trying to start up my own hotel business.", he answered. Lena took mental note. If she could guess anything, it would be that he was really trying to start up a prostitution business or something of the kind.

"What are some of your personal interests; things you like to do?", Lena asked next. 

Finnegan was a bit hesitant this time, "Um, I enjoy exercising, seeing new places, and playing with my niece. I'm really good with kids."

Lena smiled at the fact that it was all a lie, besides that kid part. She felt disgusted. Lena would never give up a mission like this one. She hated men who thought all women were a pleasure rag. Men who have no sense of reality; all the messed up, disgusting things they do. She was glad she was assigned this one.

Lena continued asking him questions until it was time to discuss. She was brought to a meeting room along with her parents. 

"So, dear", her mother asked, "who caught your eye?"

"Um, well, not many..." Lena started to say. Her parents were both intently staring at her, anticipating her decision. "But I did take a slight interest in someone; Finnegan Bullsby."

"Ah, Ezra, did you hear that?! Our little girl has picked a suitor!" The Queen said grabbing her husband's forearms. "She really has! Oh my goodness.", the King said pulling out his handkerchief and wiping his brow. 

Lena was taken-aback at her parents reaction. "Ay, hold on, hold on. Mother, you said yourself that I just have to get to know him. You're both getting your hopes up right now."

Her mother straightened her position and smoothed out her dress, "I suppose you're right, Lena. Ah, but I just can't believe you take a romantic interest in someone!"

"Ugh, I'd hardly say romantic", Lena mumbled.

The Malfeens made their way back to the throne room to announce the news. The suitors were chatting one moment and the next they were as silent as could be, each awaiting the answer. The King stepped up and cleared his throat, "Again, I want to thank everyone for being here today. It has been a great pleasure having you. But sadly it has to come to an end. Princess Lena has made her decision and chosen a suitor. That is... Finnegan Bullsby."

Lena inhaled deeply as she made her way to the front, Finnegan doing the same. They both bowed to each other. "Princess Lena, I'm truly honored to be picked by you." He said giving her a slightly unnerving smile. 

An unenthusiastic applause went around the room. Everyone filed out of the room, many glancing back over their shoulder. Finnegan turned to face Lena, "I'm curious; what made you pick me, Princess?"

"Well, you just caught my eye, you know", Lena had to respond. "I see. My handsome face is what made you pick me, isn't it?", he said.

Luckily, the Queen came over to them before Lena cringed even harder. "Finnegan Bullsby. It's a pleasure to meet you. I see my daughter has picked you as her suitor."

"Yes, Your Highness. She's much different then what they say in the news, you know." Finnegan and the Queen laughed together. 

Lena wasn't having any of it. "Uh, Mother, I heard lunch is being served."

"Oh, right! Well, Finnegan, because you are the picked suitor, you are invited to join us for lunch today. Our dining hall is right this way."

Lena was already planning his assassination in her head on their way over to the dining room. They sat down at the extensive table, joined by Ella. Finnegan had bowed to her and the King. 

"Everyone, this is Finnegan Bullsby. Finnegan, welcome to our home. We are excited to have you, today!", the King said.

"Uh, thank you for inviting me, Your Highness."

"Oh, we're delighted to. Now, let's eat before the food gets cold.", the Queen said. The meal time was filled with much conversation, mainly between Lena's parents and her newly picked "suitor".

Afterwards, Lena had to carry on with her busy schedule. Her and Finnegan had made plans to meet up tomorrow at a cafe. A huge wave of relief swept over her as soon as he was out of her sight. Lena realized how she needed to complete this mission as quickly and accurately as possible.

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