Y/n the grey jedi

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Alexis:Ok in this universe Y/n was bullied by union blah blah blah we know the drill but when he got throw out he got kidnapped by aliens who wanted to enslave him but he was saved by a group of great heros of the galaxy named the jedis. They trained him to the force and after 5 years of hard training he was officialy a member of the jedi order and if someone talk to me about the mediclorian i shove a nuke up his ass. Yes im talking to you reader.

Y/n:And i become a hero to the galaxy?

Alexis:Weeeell...not exactly. You see the jedis are quite...bastards if you think about it. I mean litteraly before the reboot i made in their universe they litteraly thaught that a fight between twins that destroy a planet and killed a master was because of the girl that one of the twin tried to have sex with. So since that day they forbidden love in all it's form. And they were technically hippocrites who used an army of slaves for a war. Yeah they weren't as good as their enemy.


Alexis:So since that day you decided to say fuck off and you became a grey jedi. Wich is a guy who...wait let me check for a sec.

He make appear a book and read it for a second.

Alexis:You basically became an anti hero between the good and the bad side. But mostly good. Anyway let's watch.


We could see corusent a big planet full of shops and restaurent and other stuff in the middlemof a huge coty we could see the jedi temple. Inside we could see a cloaked figure walking out of it until a voice stop him.

???:Wait Y/n!!!

Y/n turn around and see his friends.

Y/n turn around and see his friends

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Weiss:Are you really gonna leave the jedi concil? You dedicated your whole life for the jedi order you can't just throw everything away

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Weiss:Are you really gonna leave the jedi concil? You dedicated your whole life for the jedi order you can't just throw everything away.

Y/n:I have to Weiss. The jedi concil is corrupted. If i really want to make things change. I must take my own path to power.

Ruby:Are you...Are you going into to go to the sith?

Y/n:Ruby im just not ok with what the jedi concil is and that also count for the sith. Im sorry it have to be this way but there isn't any other way. Goodbye

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