Chapter 22: Kahane

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I had spent the past two weeks going on missions with Tomioka. He had proved to be much more agreeable than Rengoku or Kocho, and I almost didn't want to kill him. Of course he wanted me dead, like everyone else did, but I couldn't help but think that I might earn his respect. Eventually. If I lived that long.

It was now the day of the next Hashira Meeting, and I couldn't wait. I forced myself to stay calm, even though I wanted to skip down the path in excitement. After today, Kocho, Uzui, Kanroji, and possibly others would be dead. I didn't have much against Kanroji, but Kocho was a danger to my life, and Uzui was the biggest pervert I had ever met. Besides, the death of three Hashira would seriously shake up the Demon Slayer Corps.

Technically, it'll make it harder to kill Muzan. But if the Demon Slayer Corps is destroyed first... that's another way to regain my freedom. I won't kill anyone on my own, but if I can help the demons with minimal risk to myself, I'll do it. Maybe the demons will help me in return, or at least keep me alive as an informant.

"What's the Hashira Meeting about?" I asked, trying to keep up a semblance of normalcy.

"We're discussing the fire demon who burned down Mount Fujikasane. What's her name again?"

"Nensho. What are we going to do about her?"

"Nensho, right. I don't know what we'll do about her. If you wait ten minutes, we can discuss it with the rest of the Hashira," Tomioka said quietly. That was another reason why I preferred Tomioka over Rengoku. He didn't blow out my eardrums every time he spoke.

We walked the rest of the way in silence. When we finally arrived at the headquarters, almost everyone was there, except for Kocho, but she would probably arrive soon. The one I was eager to see was Nensho. And she would actually be able to come, even though it was daytime, because the sky was heavily overcast. 

Even if she decided not to spare me, I'm confident that I can survive the fight. Especially with so many Hashira to help me. There's no way we'll all die here. I'm actually almost more worried for Nensho than I am for myself- she's going to fight us 9 v. 1. I don't know why I would care if she died- I guess it's just nice to have someone I can align myself with. If she can be trusted.

Oh come on, Kahane! Of course she can't be trusted! She's not you, or Yuuko, so she's clearly out to get you. Keep your guard up. You're the only one in this compound who knows an attack is coming, so use that to your advantage. Attack her if necessary. Kill her if necessary. She's doing something that will benefit you, but she has her own reasons for it. She is not aligned with you.

I shook my head to clear it, forcing away the idiotic thoughts. I needed to stay focused. If the courtyard was about to erupt into fiery chaos, I would have my wits about me when it happened.

"Welcome to the Hashira Meeting, all of you," the master said. "Today we will discuss the problem of Nensho. As I'm sure you know, Nensho is the Lower Moon One. She is quite powerful, and has improved at an incredible rate. On top of that, her Blood Demon Art is very destructive, and she gave Rengoku and Kahane a lot of trouble. The two of them failed to kill her.

"You are all experienced demon slayers. I want you all to discuss strategies for killing Nensho. Kahane can tell you more about her fighting style and capabilities."

She's not Lower One anymore. She's Upper Six, and she has to be stronger now than she was back then. I might want to get the hell out of here. When she attacks, I'll run. But for now, I need to act normal. I need to keep my sword sheathed, and I need to stay calm. I cannot tip them off about this attack.

"How does she fight?"

"What are her weapons?"

"How good is she with her weapons?"

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