Chapter 16: Kahane

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I'd spent a few days after the Mount Natagumo mission training at the Rengoku household. Now it was time for our next mission. I left the shed that I slept in and joined Rengoku in the yard to prepare to leave. "So how long of a walk is it to this Mugen Train?"

"Not that long. You don't need to bring food. Actually, you should probably leave your bow here."

"Nope, not a chance in hell. I know I can fight without it, but you said that we'd likely find a Kizuki member. The master said it wouldn't be an easy fight. I think we should take any advantage we can get."

"Fair enough. You'll have to hide it somehow, though. We'll have to hide our swords, too."

"Why? If anyone says anything, I can silence them. Why walk on eggshells around people? Just do what you have to do, because they can worry about themselves." I didn't understand why Rengoku was so against my way of thinking. It made perfect sense. Everyone else was crazy.

"That's not how it works! You should care about other people! You should protect them, because they deserve it! Everyone deserves to live and be happy, and everyone has something they can offer the world!"

"Everyone has the responsibility to keep themselves alive. If they fail at that basic responsibility, then they deserved to die. They just weren't good enough."

Rengoku shook his head. "Kahane, stop pretending to be uncaring. I know you can care for people. You tried to protect a demon, after all. So you really do care about people. You might as well act like it."

"I'm not following your logic. Yes, I care about Yuuko, because she raised me and protected me until I was old enough to protect myself. She taught me how to make and shoot a bow, how to use a knife, and how to clean animals. She was excellent company, and I loved talking to her. That doesn't mean that I like everyone else. In fact, I despise you in particular. You've done nothing to earn my respect."

"I taught you Flame Breathing! I saved you from that demon! I helped you kill Lower Moon Six! Isn't that enough to earn respect? I've always been nice to you!"

"Getting desperate, huh? Let's just get going. We can finish this argument after the mission. Assuming you survive." I slammed the gate closed behind me, hurrying down the city street. Rengoku came up to walk beside me, and I increased my pace to stay ahead of him. "By the way, I don't care what you did for me. You're always in my face, supervising me, and spouting your bullshit. Can you just shut the fuck up for once in your life?"

Rengoku opened his mouth as if to reply indignantly, then closed it. I sighed. If I get a chance to talk to this demon, I'll definitely ask them to kill him. I'm done with this shit.

The train station wasn't that far away. A little after sunset, we stopped to buy food, and Rengoku told me more about the mission. Apparently he wasn't mad at me, which was surprising, but I still seethed at every word out of his mouth.

"Over 40 people have disappeared on the Mugen Train recently, so they sent me in to investigate. And I have to keep an eye on you, so you're coming too."

"You said you think it's a Kizuki. Don't you think that maybe this is another attempt to kill me? After all, it has to be higher ranked than Lower Six." Imagine if I face an entirely different Lower Six. That would be so annoying. I need to face more challenging opponents, so that I'm ready when it's time to fight Muzan himself.

"No! No one wants you dead! Even though you treat everyone so horribly, no one is trying to kill you. Stop acting like this." Rengoku opened the first of five bento boxes that he had bought, and took a bite of his tempura. "UMAI!"

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