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"Mr Dickens, you'll need to get married in order to access your funds," Mr. Dawson explained.
I sat at my desk, absentmindedly tossing a ball from one hand to the other, my gaze fixed on the stack of documents before me.

"Thank you, Mr. Dawson, but I have no interest in finding a wife, now or ever. Do I appear to be one of those pathetic men searching for romance?" I responded dismissively, casually rolling the ball across the pile of papers. "You may show yourself out."

"But Mr. Dickens," Mr. Dawson stammered, before I pressed the button on my desk, summoning two of my trusted associates to escort him out. "Your time is up. You have failed to perform your duties adequately and have not presented me with a satisfactory solution. I question why I continue to waste my time with you. Bruce, William, please see this gentleman out of my sight."

The men promptly escorted Mr. Dawson out as I had instructed. I rose from my seat and gazed out at the breathtaking view from my office window, my hands casually tucked into my pockets. Suddenly, my phone began to ring.


I stared at my phone for a moment before finally picking it up, the words failing to escape my lips as I heard a familiar voice on the other end. It was my mother.

"Sweetheart, hey," she greeted. I pressed my lips together, exhaling softly before clearing my throat.

"This is Daniel," I replied, our relationship having always been strained. She insisted on playing the role of the perfect mother, all while being married to one of the most successful men in town, who happened to be my business rival.

"Mark and I wanted to invite you over for dinner. It's been a while since we spent time together," my mother said, her voice filled with joy as she laughed. I could hear Mark in the background, doing who knows what to make her sound so happy. The last time I heard her laughing and smiling like that was when my father left.

"I'm busy, sorry, I can't make it happen," I responded, already preparing to end the call and distancing my phone from my ear.

"Elsa will be there too!" she added, quickly interjecting.

I pivoted to face my phone, my grip tightening as I brought it back towards my ear.

"Why would that make me want to join you?" I questioned. Elsa was a childhood friend, with our mothers coincidentally giving birth to us in the same hospital.

"She has grown into such a beautiful young woman. Perhaps it's time for you to settle down, sweetie. I don't want to pass away without seeing you happy with a family," my mother expressed. The thought of her impending demise failed to stir any emotions within me, but the opportunity aligned perfectly with my plan. I needed access to that fund.

"Wouldn't it be strange if my children ended up calling Mark grandpa'? After all, he's the same age as me. Nonetheless, thank you for the invitation," I replied, my mind already calculating the possibilities.

"You've always been stubborn, but you know the address if you decide to come tonight," my mother persisted. I didn't allow her to finish as I abruptly ended the call, tapping my phone against my chin. I stood there lost in thought, unaware that my secretary had entered the room. I turned around, suddenly noticing her presence.

"Mr. Dickens, we have a problem," Christine said, her voice tinged with fear, as I approached her and settled down at the edge of my desk, facing her. My gaze involuntarily lingered on her figure, drawn to her ample bosom. "Two big problems, I'd say," I added with a smug grin. Christine was the epitome of beauty, with her captivating blue eyes and flowing blonde hair. She could easily grace the runways of Victoria's Secret.

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