4: new friend

273 16 3

7th grade

Jimin was looking at his phone liking yoongis new post. He couldn't see Yoongi for three days because he was at a dancing competition in busan. He missed Yoongi so much.

Jimin pouted when he saw that Yoongi was having fun with someone else. Who? Well it's his cousin from daegu. Jimin never met him but jimin was jealous, he wanted to spend time with yoongi.

Jimin's teacher: "Jimin, warm up it's almost time to perform."

Jimin: "Yes ma'am."

Jimin sighed and did what he was told to do.

After his performance.

Jimin's mom: "Jiminie sweety you did so good! Are you hungry?"

Jimin: " No mom.."

Jimin's mom could sense there was something wrong with jimin.

Jimin's mom: "Is there something wrong sweety?"

Jimin: " It's nothing mom.. I just augh- " (whispering) I miss Yoongi.."

Jimins mom didn't hear him so she just kept driving back home.  She did stop for some food tho.

Back at home. Jimin was wearing his hoodie and texted Yoongi about the dance competition. But Yoongi never responded back. It made jimin feel forgotten. Jimin looks at the clock. it was late so yoongi is probably asleep. So jimin covered himself up with his blanket and went to dreamland.

The next morning jimin took a shower and got ready for school. He didn't feel like going to school but yoongi was there. So he didn't want to miss school.

Smiling while walking into the school. jimin found yoongi but with someone. Jimin's smile lessens and he slowly walked over to them.

Yoongi was smiling happily at his new friend. Jimin was surprised to see him this happy around someone else other than him.

Jimin: "Yoongi! Im back!"

Yoongi looked over to see his best friend smiling at him. Yoongis face brightened up and he ran to jimin, he grabbed Jimin's waist and hugged him tightly. Jimin laughed at Yoongi excitement.

Yoongi: "Mochi! You're finally back!"
(Gummy smile)

Jimin blushs and responds
"Yea- I'm here so uh what did I miss in miss blah class and who is this?"

Yoongi: "Oh! Meet my friend. Hobi met jimin, jimin met Hobi." (Smiles)

Jimin: "oh it's nice to meet you." (Shyly smiles)

Hobi: "it's nice to finally meet you jimin."

Jimin nodded.

Hobi: "Yoonz has been talking about you nonstop!" (Whining) "it's was getting kinda annoying."

Jimin was shocked by what hobi said. But Yoongi ran to hobi and shut his mouth up. Yoongi looked at jimin with a flush face and a little awkward smile.

Yoongi: "I'll be right back!"

Yoongi pulled hobi away and jimin was left in the hallway with a shy smile. Jimin covered his face with his hands and sighed. Jimin was giddy again. Yoongi makes jimin heart beat quicken. Jimin calmed his self down.

When the two boys got back. jimin was waiting for them. Hobi had an annoyed look on his face while Yoongi had a smile.

Yoongi: "Jimin after school can I come over?"

Jimin: "of course Yoongi."

Yoongi and jimin then talk about what jimin had miss. Hobi the third wheeler here wasn't thrilled that they were basically ignoring him. So he walked away..

First love-YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now