A Love Bite

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"Stay still," Harry muttered behind Hermione. "Next time you volunteer us to help Neville ask him what plants he needs help with."

"Ye-" Hermione broke off with a wince as Harry pulled the Polythera vine off her neck. Polythera was closely related to Devil's snare but with the less-than charming addition of "suckers" on its tentacles which it used to subdue its prey.

"Are you okay?" Harry's fingers trailed over her shoulder where the vine had been stuck and Hermione fought a shiver. "It looks like some idiot gave you love bites everywhere."

Love bites.

The description of the marks rattled around in Hermione's head as they finished up and said goodbye to Neville. As soon as they stepped outside the greenhouse, Harry grasped her hand, apparating them both to Grimmauld. Hermione had moved in with Harry after Hogwarts because they were best friends and honestly, it made life easier for both of them.

They always had company if they wanted it, and they watched out for each other. Harry nagged her when she overworked herself for the ministry and she scolded him back for skipping meals. Ron had moved on from describing them as siblings to describing them as an old married couple.

Luckily, neither of her two best mates noticed how much that bothered her. Especially since Harry was a serial dater. Harry steadied her for a second after the apparition, and as she admired his arms, she thought again about how he was right. The marks did look like love bites.

Harry ran upstairs as soon as they got in the door yelling behind him," Sorry I got to get ready for my date. That took way longer than I thought it would."

Hermione walked much slower to her own room. She didn't have any plans tonight. She inspected herself carefully in the mirror, getting rid of all the marks the plant had left one by one. When she was done, she went downstairs to the library, grabbed a book, and sat on the sofa trying to get her mind off the fact that Harry had a date.

When she heard his footsteps coming down the steps, she looked up and then immediately had to look down again. Harry looked amazing. He had on a black button-down shirt that seemed to emphasize the width of his shoulders and his muscular arms. Quidditch had done him so many favors.

"Do I look okay?"

She bit her lip as she looked up at him. "You look..." hot, fit, sexy ..." good."

He gave her a small smile. "Those bloody marks were all over me. Took me two go-overs to make sure I got rid of them all." Knocking sounded, and Harry looked toward the door.

As soon as Harry turned, Hermione spotted a mark he'd overlooked. He had probably missed it because it was close to his hairline, but even so, when he turned his head, the mark was obvious.

Love bite.

Hermione jumped up, rushing after Harry to stop him as he went to answer the door. But she wasn't quick enough, and he almost stepped back into her as he opened the door wide. His date stood just on the other side, her eyes darting from Harry to Hermione, who stood so close to his back. She shot Hermione this glaring look of dislike and the witch's jaw tightened angrily.

Which was perfectly fine. Hermione didn't like her either. Harry looked back at Hermione, obviously a little confused about why she had practically smashed into his back. Then Harry gave a little smile to her, obviously deciding that she wanted a hug goodbye because he turned and bent toward Hermione, wrapping his arms around her.

Harry patted her back reassuringly. "I won't be back too late, okay?"

Hermione met his date's eyes over his shoulder. She saw the exact moment the other witch noticed the mark.

Love bite.

Despite herself, a slow taunting smile curved Hermione's lips as she kept the witch's gaze. "Okay, Harry. See you soon."

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Five minutes later

The door slammed open as Hermione pretended to continue reading her book, and Harry stormed up to her. "Can you believe it?"


"She dumped me because she thinks we're friends with benefits or some such nonsense!"


Harry rubbed the back of his neck, annoyed. "I told her it was Polythera plants, and she said that was a likely excuse! As if I would make that up! How can I date someone who doesn't even believe me?"

"You definitely shouldn't," Hermione advised, quite satisfied, as she turned the page of her book.

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