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Hermione Granger, General of the Avalon Armies, stood next to the man she had grown up with, the wizard who had become known as the king of Magical Britain once the Ministry of Magic fell. Harry James Potter.

Harry, like her, wore brilliant red dragon armor that was threaded with bright gold, a staff in his hand, and a sword at his hip. She didn't see a flicker of concern on his face as they stared at the opposite end of the field to where a larger army stood.

The larger army didn't inspire any fear in Hermione, but the look of unwavering determination in Harry's gaze did. He wouldn't retreat from this fight no matter what, no matter that his death would be the end of the resistance. Hermione was determined to keep him alive no matter what.

"Give me thirty seconds alone on the field before you advance."

"What? No."

Harry looked over at her. "Thirty seconds." He repeated firmly.

Her jaw tightened in frustration. "If you die, I'm coming to the afterlife to get you."

"Ditto." Harry laughed and the surrounding soldiers, witches, wizards, centaurs, giants, and elves, glanced at him, taking heart.

The army on the other side parted as Tom Riddle's mutated form slithered forward, a giant, grotesquely deformed snake. The head of the snake was flattened and oval reminiscent of a human head. The jaw had misformed though and his snakes' fangs did not retract and instead constantly pierced his bottom jaw. Old blood was dried and blackened down his underbelly while new blood slowly dripped down.

Riddle's gleaming red eyes glittered like searchlights as he searched the opposing side to find the thorn that he just couldn't seem to pull. His arms were thickened but still existed on his snake's body and he clutched his wand as he moved near the front.

Riddle gave a gasping hissing laugh," Finally.... Finally... Harry Potter come to die. And you brought your friends along! Truly... truly heroic!"

Both Hermione and Harry looked over to Ronald Weasley, who was the standard bearer for the Army. "I got this," He said cockily, giving Harry and Hermione a wink.

A wave of Ron's wand caused the banner of the Avalon Army to float above his head and his voice boomed, magically enhanced by the spell. "Oi! You slithering nutter, are we going to get on with it? We have some extra bags for you to put over your head if you want to have a conversation!"

Muffled laughs rippled down the smaller army.

"Kill them!" Riddles' furious hiss was magnified and made every blade of grass in the clearing tremble.

"Nicely done, mate." Harry praised, starting to run forward.

Ron's eyes widened, and he made the move to start following Harry before he caught himself and looked at Hermione. "Hermione?"

Her heart was beating in slow rhythmic pumps as the distance between her and Harry widened. Thirty seconds, she thought to herself. Their army shifted around her waiting for her order but she ignored them, raising her clenched fist as a reminder to not move until she gave the order.

Harry suddenly halted near the center of the clearing while the other army advanced rapidly. He waved his staff, his mouth moving rapidly, but she couldn't hear the spell he was casting. Wind formed a tunnel that slowly enveloped Harry from the clear blue sky above.

Twenty-one, twenty-two, Hermione counted.

Dark red-colored magic started to flow from Harry like rivers twining into the cyclone that now whirled around him.

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