Take care

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"Elias, I'm so sorry for everything. If I could go back I would change it all in a heartbeat. I'd come back for you and we'd live together in an apartment in Brooklyn, but I can't do that anymore. All I can do is try to give you every bit of it that you want. If you don't want anything to do with me and would rather continue to live on the run, I have to be able to live with that, but if I can be any part of your life, I will take it," Steve explained and Elias could see the tears threatening to roll form his eyes.

"I know I can't ask anything from you, but please just stick around for a while," Steve basically begged knowing it would most likely be going on deaf ears at that point and he could only blame himself.

"Well I can't really jump out of the window," Elias simply said, more of a reminder for himself, and sat down. Clint was staring at the ceiling, pretending he didn't hear the conversation.

Steve didn't say anything for a while, just watched as his brother stared off into space until he gathered up the courage to sit down.

"How are your scars?" Steve asked to which Elias just lifted his arm slightly. Steve was shocked to see the once huge gashes almost completely healed.

"Wow," he breathed.

"Yeah, that's what happens when insane Hydra scientists spend seventy years making you the best weapon they can," Elias said bitterly. Steve just looked down at his hands at the reminder of what his little brother had gone through.

"I'm sorry," Steve said once more.

"For so many decades I thought I needed your apology. But now I know it doesn't help," Elias quickly cut off his brother.

"I know," Steve sighed defeated. Elias did feel bad for his brother. He knew that Steve was really trying his best, but it didn't heal the past.

Elias wasn't really sure what he thought of Steve. He had spent so long hating the man that forgiving him felt weird. Still, the part of him that wanted to brutally murder his brother, was getting smaller and smaller every day.

The two brothers sat in an awkward silence as the lifeboat still gently hummed through the air. Maybe he could try something with his brother and the second Steve took a wrong step, Elias would be on the next boat to Tunisia. Still, Elias didn't want to do it. He didn't want to have to be close to a reminder of the pain he was put through.

"You fight good," Elias finally said still not able to look at his brother. Instead, he continued to stare straight ahead at the passing clouds as Steve whipped his head around in shock that Elias had spoken to him.

"I mean, the last time I saw you, Captain America was just a circus clown. A random guy in tights. I guess you partly earned the title," Elias explained. It was hard to give a compliment to the man and he had to grit his teeth through most of it. He remembered all those years ago how he had very rudely questioned Captain America's title. He smiled as the image of Steve's face flashed in his mind. He had been so shocked and embarrassed.

"Yeah, I guess I finally do have a Company to lead," Steve answered clearly remembering the same memory.

"But you fight even better. I don't think I've ever seen someone with the kind of skills that you showed out there even tho it was really scary," Steve pointed out. "And I work with the best of the best every day," he continued. After seeing how his brother tore the robots apart without even blinking, he couldn't have been happier that Elias hadn't decided to kill him yet.

"Second best was never enough for my masters," Elias hummed. He could remember the training like they were yesterday. He remembered always being second best to the Winter Soldier and being punished for it daily.

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