Subject 43

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The soldier sat in the middle seat with men on both sides as the car gently rolled forward on the twisting road. The soldier didn't know where it was but it didn't have to know. All it needed to know was its mission and how to complete it. 

Subject 43 saw the mountains rising high into the sky on its right as the infinite ocean spread out on the left. A few boats and ships were out on the waters but none were too close to compromise the mission. The sun was high up which slightly confused the soldier. All its previous missions had been carried out at night, hidden in the shadows. It meant that either the soldier had to be careful not to get caught, or that it would have to take care of a lot of witnesses. 

"Into each and every life, the rain is bound to fall, but too much of that has started fallin' on me. Now, into each and every heart..."

The woman on the radio kept on singing as the soldier stared straight ahead, ready to protect the men around him or act on any other orders.

The man was in a clean gray suit with a matching hat in his hands. He had a neat mustache resting under his big nose and bushy eyebrows that were deeply furrowed. The soldier observed him from the attic of a nearby building. The man walked out of the church talking with a woman wearing a green dress and a quite large hat. The woman wasn't a part of the mission but the soldier would carry out his mission however it needed to. Its orders didn't state 'no witness' so the soldier didn't have to bother taking out everyone in the square.

As the man neared a water fountain in the middle of the quad, Subject 43 took the shot without hesitation. The bullet flew through the air and landed in the man's head leaving behind a clean hole as the man fell into the water fountain. The soldier didn't stick around to see the reactions but heard the screams and shouts from below the window. Quickly the soldier threw the rifle it had been handed back in its box and walked down the stairs. 

The soldier didn't flinch as it stepped over the two people lying lifeless in their living room with clean gunshots in their heads. They had been in the way and needed to be eliminated in order for the soldiers to execute his mission. It was careful enough not to step in the puddles of their blood gradually growing on the floor and exited the house through a backdoor.

Subject 43 breathed heavily as it stood on the rooftop. Inside the house were one-hundred-and-twenty-six bodies that it had left behind. The whole organisation had to have been eradicated and the soldier was the only thing that could do so. Its clothes were ripped and stained but the bullet wounds and cuts were already closing as it waited to be picked up. The soldier watched as a huge cut on its arm closed up under its eyes. The skin repaired itself and the veins closed back up in a matter of seconds as the soldier could hear the helicopter getting closer.

It didn't matter how hurt the soldier got, how many times it was shot, or how many bones it broke, they always healed in minutes. A self-repairing machine.

The house was silent. Not a single sound was made as the soldier entered the mansion in the dead of night. It climbed through the window and took carefully calculated steps as it neared the door. With its hand on the doorknob, the soldier stopped and listened deeply. It could hear the small sounds of someone gently snoring nearby and the shifting footsteps of two people on guard.

Subject 43 grabbed a knife from the side of its pants and took a step away from the door to assess the situation. The soldier looked around the room once more. It was a study of some sort but it was filled with campaign posters, pins, letters, and much more. There was nothing useful anywhere in sight so the soldier had to move with force.

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