Just tell me what to do

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Elias arrived near a bridge just in time to hear her brother shouting:

"We are not clear! We are very not clear!"

Elias simply rolled his eyes and joined the fight. He jumped on top of a robot that was flying towards the redheaded woman, whatever her name was, and ripped the robot's head off. He threw the head at another robot that was getting a bit too close, sending the metal bastard flying backward. As the robot fell to the ground, Elias jumped off and landed with a roll before getting up and shooting at the next targets.

"Thanks," the redhead said, shocked to see Elias who just nodded and hummed in response. He wasn't there to get to know his brother's friends. All he needed to do was keep the God damn robots away from the civilians.

Elias was struggling with four robots. He was getting tired quickly but the robots just kept on coming. He grabbed one robot's hand and kicked its chest, leaving Elias standing there with a severed robot arm in his hand which he used to kill the next robot charging at him from behind. Elias hooked the robot arm around his target's neck and pulled hard enough for the head to pop off before he turned around to face the two remaining metal cans that were flying straight at him. He kicked one of the robots away and got to work with its friend.

As he was violently ripping the wires from one robot's neck, Elias felt something flying right over his head. He quickly recognized it to be his brother's oddly shaped shield and rolled his eyes at the reminder. The frisbee flew right into the hand of the redhead Steve had called Romanoff. Elias felt the robot he was fighting with fall down but he saw the last one which he had just thrown away from himself, quickly getting closer.

Elias didn't have time to do anything about it before his brother jumped in front of him and punched the metal man. Romanoff then threw Steve his shield back which he used to cut the robot in half before turning to face his brother.

"Hey," Steve greeted with a so incredibly awkward smile, clearly not prepared.

"You can talk to me once you get everyone out of this floating city," Elias simply said, not even turning to face his brother.

Another robot came flying from behind Steve, so Elias grabbed the man's shield and smashed the robot's head to mush. Steve just stared at his little brother in surprise.

"Here," Steve said handing something to Elias. He took the small machine into his hand and observed it for a moment. It was some kind of an earplug, probably what the quick blue man had used to communicate with the others earlier. Elias stared at the black device before letting out a huff and placing it in his ear.

Elias grabbed a metal beam off the ground and stabbed it through three robots who were getting close to a building. The people inside looked scared shitless so Elias just shot them a quick smile and a thumbs-up before running toward the next target, which he threw against the wall with one swing from his new favorite weapon.

"Who's the kid?" Stark asked through the comms clearly referring to Elias who just rolled his eyes while tearing off the arm of a robot and using it to turn his friends into junk metal.

"I'm literally twice your age you piece of shit," Elias groaned as a robot collided with him, sending his body flying to the ground. He quickly got up, kicked the robot away, and ripped its head off.

"What do you got, Stark?" Steve asked, clearly trying to shift the subject away from his brother. Elias realized that Steve hadn't told his friend about him but he wasn't surprised. Steve was able to pretend he didn't have a sibling for eighty years so why would he stop then? 

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