47 - lost

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⚠️ **Sensitive topic:: Miscarriage::⚠️
Teo's POV :

"She ruined you." He growled.

He struggled as he hung by his hands, his feet barely skimming the ground.

I scoff as I inch my way towards him. "She didn't ruin me." I grit out holding a gun under his jaw tipping it upward.

"Now, if you mention my girl whatsoever I won't hesitate to burn you alive, so watch your fucking mouth, Dyadya."

The corner of his mouth tugs up into a conniving smile. "Oh you've gone soft. The old you would've already done that." He laughs, I clench my jaw, pressing the gun into his jaw harder, gaining a reaction out of him.

"I will do that, after You tell me why the fuck you tried to kill her." I spat.

"Well isn't it obvious?" He pauses. "ya ustranyal problemu, pridurok!" He raises his voice and I bang the gun on of the side of his head.
(I was eliminating the problem Moron!)

I walk towards the wooden table in the middle of the room, it had various torture devices, A blow torch, a knife, a few knives actually, Electronic devices, A bucket of ice cold water.

But I already knew what I was going to use.

All that guilt, and Grief is out the window, I feel no remorse taking his life. In fact, I feel better knowing I'm the one going to kill the monster.

I slip on a pair of leather gloves, and Grab the bucket of water and dump it on him. "Fuck." He let out.

Then I grabbed the electronic devices, and I pridefully stride back to the hanging man in the middle of the room.

And I saw a glimpse of fear in his eyes and it was so satisfying to see. I want to see it more. I hum a tune while I attach the latex pads connected to the electronic device, one on each rib, then one in the middle.

"YA, chert voz'mi, vyrastil tebya posle togo, kak oba tvoikh roditelya umerli, i vot kak ty mne otplatil? po krayney mere, vystreli mne v golovu krasivo i bystro." He grits out, fear is visibly written on his face and I am ecstatic.

(I fucking raised you after both your parents died and this is how you repay me? atleast shoot me in the head nice and quick.)

I laugh. "And You said I'm soft." I retort shaking my head as I stand in front of him holding the remote.

"I'm going to electrocute you, and right before you die, I'll nurse you back to health just to burn you the rest." I smile widely as those words leave my mouth.

His eyes widen, and before a word can leave his mouth I press start, and watch as his body seizes while he screams bloody murder begging me for mercy.

Belles POV :

Why is this so hard.

Having to bear the death of someone who never got the chance to be alive.

I had a baby, And I didn't even get the chance to hold it in my arms.

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