04 - Eyes -

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I stare at Teo who is sat infront of me playing on his DS.

His eyes are so pretty.

He looks up to me with a confused face. "What are you staring at me for?" He mumbled in a Soft like tone, he was always so soft spoken with me.

I smiled. "Your eyes are really pretty, I wish I had your eyes!" I said.

I could see his cheeks become rosy, which only made my smile wider.
"I think you are pretty.." He mumbled quietly.

"What-?" I said obliviously, I couldn't clearly hear what he said.

"I said thank you." He said, I smiled an upside down smile. "You're welcome!" I said looking back down to my DS.

TRIGGER WARNING: Sensitive content. ⚠️


"Now drop the guns.. Please." He pleaded. Christina almost immediately dropped her gun, But I gave her a look and nudge.

She folded so fast for his looks—

"Who do you work for? And what do you want with Irvin?" I questioned.

Before they could answer the door busted open. I look back a relieved look appeared on my face seeing Leo and Jada.

"Oh thank god Leo you're here-" I sighed.
"What the fuck are you two doing?!" Leo said staring at the two bloody men on the floor.

"What we came here to do?" I said.
"They are apart of reinforcements! Father asked for their assistance." Leo stated.

That would've been great to know.

I look back at the men on the ground, Matteo looked furious..

I turned around to face Leo. "I love how you didn't think to tell me such important information!!" I said sarcastically with annoyance lacing my tone waving my gun to him.

His eyes widened as he held my hand still. "Stop waving a gun that doesn't have safety on around!" He scolded annoyed, I rolled my eyes.

Leo walked by me towards the men.

"Sorry about them, Where is Irvin?" He asked immediately, I crossed my arms facing them, I actually wanted to kill the one in the towel.

I can't believe he just completely ignored the fact the man was half naked.

"When we got here he wasn't here, We decided to wait to see if he returns but he never did." Matteo said advancing up holding his bleeding arm.

"And you took a shower?!" I said with furrowed brows and a disgusted face.
He looked past Leo looking me up and down with a annoyed face.

"what if he had Herpes?!" I said tilting my head in a teasing tone, He brushed me off ignoring my snarky comment.

"That's gross.." I mumbled walking to Christina and laying my head on her shoulder.

Aaron approached us. "But he left this piece of paperwork, It said he's leaving for Mexico for a trade of.." He showed the paper. "Sex trafficking.." he mumbled glancing at me and Christina.

Why would he just blankly leave a piece of evidence to where he is going. This all sounds so suspicious.

Christina caressed my cheek as my head laid on her shoulder. Why was he so cautious about that subject In front of us? Because we are women? Because it happens to boys as well.

𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐌𝐞Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora