41 - fucking it out

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Teo's POV :

I shove the girl off and advance to my feet. "What the fuck?!" I raise my voice, and the blonde girl bites her lip. "Don't act like you didn't like it—"

And I mentally gag because what the fuck—

"I did not like—" before I could even finish my sentence Mirabelle grabs the girl by the hair yanks her back, and then slams her face into a nearby wall.

Not once, but twice.
And damn did she look sexy doing that.

The girl screams as Mirabelle slams her face into the wall for the third time, the wall is now stained with blood, and Mirabelle throws the girl onto the floor untouched and the girls face is unrecognizable because of the amount of blood covering her face.

"He's a taken man, bitch." She Grits out and I stride towards her, grabbing her arm gently and tugging her towards me.

She swats my hand away and I furrow my eyebrows. "Don't start with me, I will kick you in your fucking balls." She threatens and then storms off.

How is the girl kissing me my fault?!

I follow after her, into a random hall.

And I can hear Carlos's faded laughter.

"Mirabelle." I shout her name, and when she doesn't respond I get irritated and cling onto her arm, Pulling her into an empty room.

"What the fuck?!" She yanks her arm out of my grasp, and her Bunny ears slightly tilt off her head, and I turn around, lock the door then face her again.

"That was not my fault." I state, and she laughs softly. "I'm not.. — Entirely blaming you for her kissing you." She responds, clearly still heated.

"I just don't get how she got that close to you. How you let her get close enough to fucking kiss you."  She throws her hands in the air, slapping her thighs.

"I didn't let her get close enough to kiss me, she just bombarded me." I respond.

She kisses her teeth and crosses her arms, which pushes her tits upward and I find myself staring at them for a little too long.

"Oh my god, stop." She says frustrated turning her back to face me. "sorry!" I blurt shutting my eyes.

I need to get a fucking grip.

"What were you two talking about anyway?!" She asks, still turning her face back to face me.

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. "I don't even know, I wasn't really listening."

"Well, Since we're arguing" She hesitates. "Are you okay? Honestly?"

I furrow my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"You've been on and off acting like an asshole to me, I fucking get it, You're stressed about the Mafia and I've tried to be understanding, I seriously have."

"But I can't do this toxic hot and cold shit Matteo." She states and I scoff. "I'm not the only asshole in our relationship, Mirabelle." I snap back.

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